Translation of VINTERSORG lyrics/titles

A complete translation of naturens galleri, put this on your site:Nature's gallery

A cave-opening gapes dark and gloomy
in the stone structure of the mountainside.
By the lustre of the glimmer's cipher
my look is fastened by it's architecture.
There lurks primordial forces
the power of will in a source-runnel
Which plunges down towards deep shafts
and rinses veined spoor-fossile.

Wherever my look ponders on
it's beauty blows the mind in swell
Like a cold underground moon,
blending a mountain crystal.
Wide cracks' greedy mouths
Are portals to the marrow of the earth.
Run around by ore-rich colour,
a studio in an obscure mountain.

Along narrow passages towards the heart of the depths
That are adorned by gaudy metals
In images of perfect beauty
Dripstone-sculptured shapes
casket-laid in safe keep
Formed in the columns of the rocks
Over the runnel mirror-clear.

Nature's gallery
Is like a fantasy,
and mystery's paradise and dwelling
Nature's gallery
The refreshment's magic utophy.

The Nomad said:
In a huge moment of procrastination, I have compiled all of the translations on this thread (and a couple other sources) into 1 hard to remember website:


Lullacry -- Be My God -- Be My God
/* random quote */
"I'm not morally superior to him: I'm smarter than he is. There's a difference."
-Sam Walker

i've edited my translation for "till fjälls" and made one of "urberget, äldst av troner" please upload them when you've got time :)

To the fjeld

The leaf-hall of the timberline blazes in a flame-coloured tint
The autumn awakens to pay the loan of life
The slopes' fearie-vison is wet-nursing my thirsty soul
Below the stream is winding like a serpent

Heavyly I'm blindy striving upwards in the late duskbreeze
along rock-faces mighty as an immense cathedral
The breath of the northern storm rebirths the frost
Where the cliffs form the gloomy templehall

To the fjeld, to the fjeld where storm embraces me
To the fjeld, to the fjeld under the vigil of ravens

On the horizon the fjellds' brother hights are mirrored
snow embellished peaks like towers and pinnacles
they are making a display towards the sky when hindsun contently glows
In the pathless outback the horn of perfection sounds

To the fjeld, to the fjeld where storm embraces me
To the fjeld, to the fjeld under the vigil of ravens

The primary rocks, oldest of thrones

In the beginning of time's serene cradle
the venerable unbroken fjeld
of dewspray embellished. As a flag of brotherhood
dancing boughs over mossgrown flat rock
felicity radiated round the pate of the primary rocks
"Things afar"(1) echoed its everlasting hymn
waves of euphony in the soulfilled mass (2)
acting strength out of anxiety and queasiness

You have fostered the valley's northsons
you sent bewitching power to the nook of the heart
In the glare of the sacrificial flame the duskprayers
encircled the ground where your realm is
The trollking's breath in your inner; heavy
The shaderich omnipotence, in victory accustomed tranquillity
Your shell is his armour when thunderskies flash
where he has been seated in endless times

A hornblow concerto now portends of danger
when christlike sets foot upon your heathen shrine
a solemn battle song from the singers multitude
which is "minstreled" for the mountain's protective gnome

You stand arrayed in the (most) benignant fog
with bare rune slab as a king's throne
in the mild dawn's morning ray
You, eldest of thrones in native north

1 - the swedish word is "fjärmer" which, i think, means things that are far away, if anyone knows of a better english word for this, please let me know :)

2 - meaning a religious mass
I've been keeping quite busy here (hence my lengthy absense from UM), so this might take a while...

After Forever -- Decipher -- Forlorn Hope
/* random quote */
The best case: Get salary from America, build a house in England,
live with a Japanese wife, and eat Chinese food.
Pretty good case: Get salary from England, build a house in America,
live with a Chinese wife, and eat Japanese food.
The worst case: Get salary from China, build a house in Japan,
live with a British wife, and eat American food.
-Bungei Shunju
Here's my attempt at translation - some words I couldn't find sensible meanings for. This is the most addictive song...

Om Regnbågen Materialiserades

A dew-spring dawn sky's hazy message
serves as early rain's sails.
To ??? her sparkling cloakrobes
and where drops constitute a mirror.
As links toward space in arching river
a curtain as in ??? shimmering colors.
Gift from a cloud-caravan ???dream
Like a mysterious mother-darkness dragon. (?)

What happened when figure became solid,
and bridged over deep vertigo chasm?
Diverging wide hidden galaxies pass,
and starry sky burning ???
Shall we go along the thin arc
as water reflects fog? (toward earthen foundation)
Pour our wisdom out story waterwell
Absorbed in cosmic forest? (in a euphoric slumber)

Display of brilliance,
through diffuse material, shining through
in sunshinelight we find our souls,
in water-mist our vessel.
off weather mighty lustrous, subtle painting.(?)
Diffuse contours near my heart
And fills a flat-butterfly(?) desire.

I welcome you, sevencoloured dynasty,
as relief for my fears, my internal ???.


En daggvuren gryningshimmels disiga bud
tjönar som arlaregnets segel.
Till soleld begnistrar dess mantelskrud,
och var droppe bildar en spegel.
Som länkas mot en rymd i bågad ström,
ett draperi som i bjärta kulsrer sprakar.
Skänkt ifrån molnkaravaners purpurdröm,
lika mystisk som modermörkrets drakar.

Vad skedde om skapnaden blevo solid,
en bro över svindeldjupa avgrunder?
Förgrenad vid gallaxens gömda lid
och stjärnhimlens brinnande lunder?
Skulle vi gå längs bågen tunn
som vattenreflexerna fogar? (mot jordens grund)
Ösa vär visdom ur sagans brunn,
försjunkna i kosmiska skogar? (i en euforisk blund)

Prålande grann
den tunna materian, genomstrålas.
I solskensljus den funnit sin själ,
i vattenrök sitt kärl.
av vädrets makt förgylld, nyanser målas.
Diffusa konturer mitt hjärta när
och fyller ett fjärilslätt begär.

Jag välkomnar dig, sjufärgade dynasti.
Som lindrar min ångest, min inre elegi.

spaffe said:
i've edited my translation for "till fjälls" and made one of "urberget, äldst av troner" please upload them when you've got time :)

To the fjeld

"Fjälls" == mountains, iirc --- "run to the mountains for safety". The "Under the vigil of ravens" I had translated to "standing strong against fracture" or somesuch. Heh.
Coyote027 said:
"Fjälls" == mountains, iirc --- "run to the mountains for safety". The "Under the vigil of ravens" I had translated to "standing strong against fracture" or somesuch. Heh.

my goal was to do a litteral translation, not a poetic one, though if that would have been the case your interpretations could have been fitting
Coyote027 said:
Well, I think it's mainly the flaw in what website I was using to translate. There's a lot of words that it simply doesn't have, or come out very strange.

hm, i'm not sure i'm following here. what translator page are you refering to? :|
could anyone translate vem styr symmetrin, universums dunkla alfabet and spegelsfären ?

please!!! :)

That was quite a gravedig, not as good as this though on the Evergrey forum...

I want to check out the video clips but I have a dial-up modem, and it takes ages for them to download. Sadly, when someone call the house it kicks me off the internet :cry: I am going to keep trying though. Especially now that I know there is some new tunes on them :grin:
That was on December 13th, 2002, 04:07 AM

Glad to see im not the only one! Trust and Betrayal and To Hope is to Fear is beyond awesome.Love the album.'t was the second I got after recreation day xD
This was on May 27th, 2008, 11:50 AM


The first thought that comes to mind...
Here's my attempt at translation - some words I couldn't find sensible meanings for. This is the most addictive song...

Om Regnbågen Materialiserades

A dew-spring dawn sky's hazy message
serves as early rain's sails.
To ??? her sparkling cloakrobes
and where drops constitute a mirror.
As links toward space in arching river
a curtain as in ??? shimmering colors.
Gift from a cloud-caravan ???dream
Like a mysterious mother-darkness dragon. (?)

What happened when figure became solid,
and bridged over deep vertigo chasm?
Diverging wide hidden galaxies pass,
and starry sky burning ???
Shall we go along the thin arc
as water reflects fog? (toward earthen foundation)
Pour our wisdom out story waterwell
Absorbed in cosmic forest? (in a euphoric slumber)

Display of brilliance,
through diffuse material, shining through
in sunshinelight we find our souls,
in water-mist our vessel.
off weather mighty lustrous, subtle painting.(?)
Diffuse contours near my heart
And fills a flat-butterfly(?) desire.

I welcome you, sevencoloured dynasty,
as relief for my fears, my internal ???.



Filling in the blanks :)
"To ??? her sparkling cloakrobes",soleld=sunfire

"As links toward space in arching river
a curtain as in ??? shimmering colors",bjärta=colourful(but that´d sound weird so i think what you´ve written would do fine alone.

"Gift from a cloud-caravan ???dream",purpur=(a form of)purple. The "normal" or non-Vintersorg way to say it would be "lila" :)

"Like a mysterious mother-darkness dragon.",should be "Like dragons of the mysterious mother-darkness"

"Diverging wide hidden galaxies pass,and starry sky burning ???" lunder=dont know exactly how to put it but a "lund" is a small area of trees. "Lunder"=several small areas of trees.

"Diffuse contours near my heart and fills a flat-butterfly(?) desire",fjärilslätt=light as a butterfly. I didn´t get why you wrote flat at first but i think you confused the "slätt" part of "fjärilslätt" with the single word "slätt" right?

"I welcome you, sevencoloured dynasty,as relief for my fears, my internal ???.",elegi=elegy.