Hi you guys
Found my way here after visiting Seventh Wonders homepage
I´m a 40+ metal freak, vinyl collector from Sthlm, Sweden
I listen to almost anything Hard Rock or Metal ...as long as I find it good. Deep Purple or Cannibal Corpse ...I don´t care
I started out listening to almost only AC/DC, back in 82. I listened to many many other bands too of course.
But AC/DC was the shit!!
(My brother brought home alot NWOBHM that I liked too)
I then went on to discover Thrash for real, in ...let´s say 1988 (I was late). I had listened to it since KIll em all & Show no mercy, thanks to my brother, but 1988-1989 was the year I surrendered to it. And I do worship it ever since
About this time I also discovered Rush ...And boy was that a game changer. Rush opened up a new world of music. It went on to Dream Theater, Symphony-X ..and 30 other bands. I guess the circle closed when I, for real, discovered Yes. Suddenly I was back i the seventies. King Krimson and Genesis were there too of course. 80s prog with Marillion, Fates Warning, Queensryche.... Ohhhhh so many bands
The first half of the 90s saw the "death" of many bands. New bands was soon discovered. Not Grunge though, rather the metal/hard rock survivors/upcomers. Pantera, Danzig, White Zombie, Pro-Pain, Rage against the machine, Prong. Those guys kept me busy. Even a lot of Death Metal. Then the second Powermetal wave hit Europe. And I fell for it for a while. Hammerfall, Edguy, GammaRay. And within a year ...a hundred clones. I got fed up pretty soon. What´s next.
The year is 1998 and I got my hands on some Black Metal. This is it!!! This is the shiznit!! I bought 1st Bathory when it came out and Listened to Hellhammer & Celtic Frost before, so this was not new to me ...but this 2:nd* wave felt so right ...and very evil & dangerous (churches burning and murders and so on) I listened to, more or less only, that for about 5 years. In 1998 I also started to buy vinyl records again. Something I am very thankful for. I hate CDs now. I guess i managed to buy about 700 of them from 1992 - 2000. If I had only spent that money on vinyl. The 90s LP albums are so expensive now
...it´s sick really
Ok, then came the 2nd Thrash wave and blablabla. Now more or less everyting goes.
I listen more to old traditional metal nowdays. The forgotten gems from back when
I only buy vinyl now. In total including CD I now have 2600+ . And I have nowhere near all the
essential albums (will I ever?).
The hunt goes on
Is it worth spending all the money and spending time hunting on the net ...well, obviously
I do love Metal and my Metal record collection ...that´s all I know really.
Ok, that´s me! Hello!!
Edit *Yes, some might say 3rd ...I know this hehe
Found my way here after visiting Seventh Wonders homepage
I´m a 40+ metal freak, vinyl collector from Sthlm, Sweden
I listen to almost anything Hard Rock or Metal ...as long as I find it good. Deep Purple or Cannibal Corpse ...I don´t care
I started out listening to almost only AC/DC, back in 82. I listened to many many other bands too of course.
But AC/DC was the shit!!

I then went on to discover Thrash for real, in ...let´s say 1988 (I was late). I had listened to it since KIll em all & Show no mercy, thanks to my brother, but 1988-1989 was the year I surrendered to it. And I do worship it ever since

About this time I also discovered Rush ...And boy was that a game changer. Rush opened up a new world of music. It went on to Dream Theater, Symphony-X ..and 30 other bands. I guess the circle closed when I, for real, discovered Yes. Suddenly I was back i the seventies. King Krimson and Genesis were there too of course. 80s prog with Marillion, Fates Warning, Queensryche.... Ohhhhh so many bands

The first half of the 90s saw the "death" of many bands. New bands was soon discovered. Not Grunge though, rather the metal/hard rock survivors/upcomers. Pantera, Danzig, White Zombie, Pro-Pain, Rage against the machine, Prong. Those guys kept me busy. Even a lot of Death Metal. Then the second Powermetal wave hit Europe. And I fell for it for a while. Hammerfall, Edguy, GammaRay. And within a year ...a hundred clones. I got fed up pretty soon. What´s next.
The year is 1998 and I got my hands on some Black Metal. This is it!!! This is the shiznit!! I bought 1st Bathory when it came out and Listened to Hellhammer & Celtic Frost before, so this was not new to me ...but this 2:nd* wave felt so right ...and very evil & dangerous (churches burning and murders and so on) I listened to, more or less only, that for about 5 years. In 1998 I also started to buy vinyl records again. Something I am very thankful for. I hate CDs now. I guess i managed to buy about 700 of them from 1992 - 2000. If I had only spent that money on vinyl. The 90s LP albums are so expensive now

Ok, then came the 2nd Thrash wave and blablabla. Now more or less everyting goes.
I listen more to old traditional metal nowdays. The forgotten gems from back when

I only buy vinyl now. In total including CD I now have 2600+ . And I have nowhere near all the
essential albums (will I ever?).
The hunt goes on

Is it worth spending all the money and spending time hunting on the net ...well, obviously

I do love Metal and my Metal record collection ...that´s all I know really.
Ok, that´s me! Hello!!

Edit *Yes, some might say 3rd ...I know this hehe
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