

Father of the Ages
Jul 25, 2004
Olympia, WA
I figured that I should introduce myself, it tends to be the polite thing to do. My real name is John and I found a link to Amon Amarths webpage when looking through web pages about ancient Scandinavian history. This was a few years back and although I have only been a fan of "Death Metal" for a short amount of time (comparitive of course to some members of this message board) I was instantly hooked. I have been a fan of AA ever since and I hope that this board will be an area in which I can talk about this (in my opinion) extraordinary band. I have but one initial question, does anyone know how tall Johan Hegg is?
You were looking for material on ancient scandinavian history and got linked to AA's site? HAHA thats fucking awesome!
Yeah, what PaganBlood said. Really fucking tall, anyhow. I'm 5'6, and I fit in just under his chin, if that gives you any idea.... When are you moving and to where?
PaganBlood said:
I think around 196cm
Seraphim Belial said:
damn, i think im short, and im 6'2

id love to be 6'5 but i would really want to be 7'

nahh, trust me you dont, i'm 6'3" myself, and things arent designed for people too much taller than that. my uncle is 6'7" and he has a hard time with doorways and cars, not too mention clothes, at 7 feet i can only imagine...
Thrymfal said:
nahh, trust me you dont, i'm 6'3" myself, and things arent designed for people too much taller than that. my uncle is 6'7" and he has a hard time with doorways and cars, not too mention clothes, at 7 feet i can only imagine...
I know what you mean.
I'm 6'5", and finding clothes that fit is not always an easy task.
Not to mention the couple of thousand times I've banged my fucking head into some crap by misstake, wouldn't mind being about 6'0", but hell, you are who you are...
I know what you mean.
I'm 6'5", and finding clothes that fit is not always an easy task.
Not to mention the couple of thousand times I've banged my fucking head into some crap by misstake, wouldn't mind being about 6'0", but hell, you are who you are...

ya being tall sucks. im 6'2 and i smack my head on shit allll the time. and it takes me forever to find a pair of jeans when shopping for pants. it sucks the hard one. but on the plus side.... ummm... whats the plus of being tall??? other then girls always like tall guys.... hmmm.... oh. thats it. girls like tall guys :D
scuse me...but that talk in inches or feet confuse me ... :loco:

Can anyone tell how tall one of 6'5 is in cm..cause overhere in europe we measure with cm. :Spin: :grin:
Date: 07:11, 30th July
From: charlena zuniga

Message: Hey you guys .I think you guys are hot.Iam six-teen years old.Iam going to tell you gus how i look.Iam 5"2 I have big huge boobs I weigh 130between 135.I have black hair.Ian light skin.Alot of people think i have abig ass and i have a pretty face.so i hope you get thisHAHAHAHAHA OMG i didnt wanna make a new entry so i just put this in here. ANYWAY this is a gbook entry in the aa site. HAHAHAHA how desperate can you get?
I apologize for not replying sooner, I have not had access to a computer until today. In response to various questions: Tyra: I am moving to Spokane,Wa and it will occur sometime late October, Belgar: I abhor,detest, and in all other ways hold great vehemence toward Hootie and the Blowfish, to say it Succinctly they are awful. Thank you to everyone who replied for making me feel welcome.
Hello, welcome here. This board is quite fun and interesting (sometimes)...
About the "length discussion": I'm quite small (165 cm), even for a girl, according to European and probably American norms too. But to Indian norms I'm quite ok, I'm as tall as most Indian men... gives me more chance to impress them!