

Skugglika Skapelse
Nov 21, 2002
Toronto, Canada
hello! i've been listening to Vintersorg a lot lately (mostly his older stuff) ie i've had Odemarken's Son on repeat for a *while* in my cd player... a little obsessed maybe ;) ....so i thought i'd join the board and check it out

anyway, so the other day after trying to read lyrics and listen to the cd at the same time, i decided I wanna learn Swedish. Although i'm not from there. nowhere near there in fact. try Toronto. yeah so umm if anyone wants to help me in anyway, feel free!! :)

oh yeah, btw, i'm Tina aka insaniTy :wave:
Hullo insaniTy :) and wellcome, this forum may be a little "nonactive", so I hope you will get the posting started...;) Anyways, once again: WELLCOME :)

Oh, and I almost forgot: Here´s your beer :D

-phyros ( Heheheeee! )