

Old fart on this board
Apr 15, 2001
Fin fuggen land
This place has been dead for a while now. Where is everybody?

Thanks to myplay's maintenance break, my experimenting on mixing delayed. :( Dammit! I thought that I'd dl tracks for some song and try to learn the secret art of mixing. Due to the fact that my recording equipment is located in my old band's rehearsal place I can't do any recording for a while either. :(

Damn! I'm getting seriously pissed off!
Yeah It`s pretty dead here now, not even a post from Rabs in a few days....havnet heard anything from Jim either ..cant wait for his Icarus and Fire vocal trax......:cry: :)
Actually, I was going to study a little mixing with this puppy. I have all other tracks, only your's is missing...

Is the mix you have the same that's on myplay? There's one drums/guitar mix too.
Ohh ok :) Well, that mix wich say something with adde is the same mix I was talking about in my last post. Couldnt find my guitar with the solos up there either....hm...maybee MM has a copy of my complete guitar works for this one, try ask him...sorry I seem to have lost my solos for this one...
That's the mix I have.
Hmmm, got to try to reach MM then.

Besides, I've already done the bass track (or the little bit at the end for it), if that's what you meant?