Helloween - '7 Sinners' on their Myspace

Where The Sinners Go - Slow and heavy song. Not bad but a bit of a peculiar song. Very dark and heavy though.
Are You Metal? - The lead single is a solid heavy song. Don't love it but it's ok.
Who is Mr. Madman? - the first song i really like. A little bit crazy like the Helloween of old. Very fun chorus.
Raise The Noise - A great song with good speed and a big chorus.
World Of Fantasy - Just a classic helloween song with a really melodic chorus like classic old helloween. This song will appeal to more old school fans though any regular power metal fan should lap it right up!
Long Live The King - A very heavy song. Takes time to warm but gets good soon enough. Very powerful vocals from Deris.
The Smile Of The Sun - The ballad. Slow build but the chorus is really hitting me hard at the moment. Could be my fave song on the album.
You Stupid Mankind - A nice song with slightly goofy lyrics but I give two hoots about lyrics so it doesn't bother me. As a song it's very cool.
If A Mountain Could Talk - Again a great song this one with a hugely entertaining chorus.
The Sage, The Fool, The Sinner - A fastish and heavy song, very enjoyable.
My Sacrifice - Needs more plays but a nice heavy song again. Not very immediate.
Not Yet Today - small segue into the epic final track.
Far In The Future - Just an awesome track that's all I can say. Epic catchy melodic metal with perfect vocal melodies.

Other things. production is crisp, heavy and crunchy but lacks a little bit of clarity for my taste. It's also quite "cold" sounding while I normally prefer "warm" sound. Andi Deris turns in one of his best performances ever. the guitarists turn in great performances especially on some of the beautiful solos. The drums are solid but i can't hear any bass. I would say the album is within range of "Gambling.." but not as good as The Dark Ride. I think with more time and plays the songs may blossom further still. I think at this stage in their career Helloween cannot really be expected to come up with anything much better than this. If you compare with their brother band Gamma Ray's To The Metal, as much as I love Kai's band, both Gambling and 7 sinners are streets ahead of any recent GR output.