Helloween - Power (by Age of Artemis)

It sounds quite well (may need some tweaking here and there) , but what really stood out to me were the vocals, amazing! Very similar to Andy Deris´ and very powerful. Congrats!

EDITED: Regarding mixing issues, my main "problem" are the toms, which sound a little less powerful than the rest of the kit drum and may use a more full sound. Also, I will lower the "gang" chorus a little, and maybe center them a little more (not so panned). It may be personal tastes, anyway. And some places, like 1:32 the main voice seems a little too loud, not much. But I like a lot the overal sound, and it suits the style a lot.
Any info/details on the mix and such? :)

I used Slate VCC 4k on channels and on mixbus. I also mixed into the VBC Grey.

Sure! I always mix all elements together, at different listening levels. Let me see if there is anything special or unnusual...
Vocals were EQ (low pass about 18K, HP about 135), Waves R-Deesser, taming some 7,7k "SSSS", Distressor ratio 6:1, medium-fast attack, fast release, Another Distressor as a Limiter (nuke setting) -> Dolby 361A mixed 60%.
Effects were Valhalla Room (the first algo). About 2 seconds, 50% decay, freq. 5300 -> Cubase Chorus 0.6 speed, 76 depth -> SountToys Microshift (algo 3) mixed to taste.

Bass was a Fender Jazz Bass, J48 DI, Ampeg SVT and 6505.
The DI was automated by hand. The Ampeg track had eq shaping, taking out lots of frequencies. Some extra lows came from this track, as well some midrange growl. The 6505 gave that distortion.
The three tracks were combined in one mono channel -> Distressor -> Soundtoys Microshift -> EQ.

Guitars were OD820 -> Dual Rectifier -> Mesa Cab (and kemperized).
Some light eq here and there, some automation, broadband compression with LA3A

Choir was VBC-MU -> EQ -> DOLBY361A -> Valhalla Vintageverb -> Automation

Drums were our Starclassic Bubinga with Starclassic Bubinga Snare. I mixed one or two one-shot samples with the snare, kick was replaced 60%.
Toms are natural.
OHs have DOLBY361A -> Distressor -> Slate VTM.
All shells had metrichalo channelstrip. Usually "warm" compressor.
Usual eq (take out mids, add highs, etc).
All drums were sent to a bus with -> Delay -> Reverb.
Then mixed to VBC RED. No clipping.

Slate VTM 15 ips, 2", FG9.
Slate VBC grey on parallel (10:1 ratio, fastest attack)
Izotope Ozone IRCIII maximizer on fast release. Dither.

It sounds quite well (may need some tweaking here and there) , but what really stood out to me were the vocals, amazing! Very similar to Andy Deris´ and very powerful. Congrats!

EDITED: Regarding mixing issues, my main "problem" are the toms, which sound a little less powerful than the rest of the kit drum and may use a more full sound. Also, I will lower the "gang" chorus a little, and maybe center them a little more (not so panned). It may be personal tastes, anyway. And some places, like 1:32 the main voice seems a little too loud, not much. But I like a lot the overal sound, and it suits the style a lot.

Thank you so much! The song was released!
The gang were the band request.
I agree with toms, I finished this song three months ago... Its amazing how we improve mix after mix. Maybe mixing some toms samples from the kit with the natural ones would give more power to them. Or parallel compression. Or maybe some automation.

Thank you for the input!

Maybe the band would let me release the raws for mixing purposes...
Sounds fucking great arthur well done !

Which mike was used for recording the dual recto. I always had hard time recording this amp and i really dig the tone you got out of it !
Im also curious about the delay settings on the drum bus? It's quite unusual to use delay on drums at least for me.

Once again great job im really enjoying the mix and the song ! \m/
One of my favorite songs from Helloween . I 'm freaking out because it sounds better than the original. Amazing voice, hardly I notice the difference with Andi Deris. Fucking great job, congrats!

P.D.: Steams pleeeeeaseeee :rofl:.