Helmet Last Night


You'll Be in Hell With ME
Nov 23, 2002
:hypno: Ok i just got to work and i am f-ing beat after the Raiders loss:hypno: I went to Helmet with a stop before the show.... ? So Jon Allen the Ex-Testament drummer and the current Sadus and Dragonlord drummer and I roll in the Slims in San Francisco about 10 mins. before Helmet goes on. We run into Testament's guitar player Eric Peterson who is much better after breaking his leg in 3 places in eupore on the last tour. Also there was Chuck Billy and Steve DiGeorgio Testament's Singer and Bass player. I am not a big Helmet fan but they put on a great show. More later.... work happens.....

Anyone going to the Helmet shows, should try to get there early and check out Instruction. They're more of a straight up rock band, but they kill live. Tom Capone from Quicksand is in the band. I'm pissed they're not playing the east coast dates.
I'm going to see em in Glasgow in November (or December) I can't remember when cause i have bought a shit load of tickets this month...I'm really looking forward to it though "Meantime" rules...
Ok i am home from work and tired as all hell. So Helmet go on at 10:00 I head for the front and there no path but soon relief comes... some 6 ft Amazom woman and her boyfriend whose as thin as a twig, why does this also happen??? Anyway i make it to the PIT. Ok course the best way to the Front is the through the PIT. I run right through it but i got slammed... oh well maybe it was the Raider jersey i was wearing.
Like i said before I really was never it to Helmet but they kicked ass. Frankie was as wild as ever. Non-stop. A little different the his Thrax style. Which i always thought was killer. They played for 90 mins. Then there was a meet and greet. I talked to Frank for a while. Told him i saw him on Law and Order and i didi ask him about Joe's Apartment and he told me he was in 2 scene's but they were cut from ther final copy.
We aslo talked about Anthrax. No i did not go into what happened...... He did tell me that there his family..... and its all good. I did forgot to ask him if he was ever going to play in Thax again(dough) I had a fucking Great time i glad i went.
OH and i have my first signiture on the skateboard

Cool man. Frank's a great guy. Hope things work out for him with Helmet and Anthrax move forward with Vera.
sufferer said:
Just wondering thraxx, how do you get your camera in the shows? I get frisked every show I go to. Also how big was the crowd?
Its a small club but its was Sold out. As for the Camera some clubs don't care, i think its the bands call..... Remember when they used to grab your camera and rip out the film.... Bastards.....
I went Monday night to the Troubador. They were great. Frankie and Chris' energy on stage makes that band so much better live. They used to be as exciting as watching paint dry. Page was great. Crushing guitars. Tempesta slammed. They were better then they were in 1992. Went out with Frank and John and Chris for dinner at the Rainbow after. It was all good. They're all supposed to come to HOB tonight.
Gibba, you have to see them when they get to your neck o' the woods.
Get Tempesta drunk!
Frankie told me they were going to see Thrax on Wednesday night. Wondering if Frankie will do a cameo on stage???? Shit i would love to be at that show.
Anyone who goes keep us posted:rock: :rock: :hypno:
thraxx said:
Frankie told me they were going to see Thrax on Wednesday night. Wondering if Frankie will do a cameo on stage???? Shit i would love to be at that show.
Anyone who goes keep us posted:rock: :rock: :hypno:
There's a chance I will be there tonite but it's unlikely due to family stuff. If I go I will post everything I see.