Helmond show cancellation

Sentient 6

harmless parasite
Jan 16, 2006
everywhere yet nowhere
Unfortunately I cannot perform tonight due to the fact that yesterday I had to visit an emergency dentist here in Amsterdam and ended up having two wisdom teeth removed and a root canal on top of that, this came on very suddenly and was absolute sheer agony, I hate cancelling shows and believe me if I could have done the show I would have, sorry the annnouncement is coming so late but I thought I was a tough guy and could do the show even if it caused pain... then realized it just was not possible.... with some rest and some luck I should be alright for the show tomorrow!
holy shit! the removal of wisdom teeth is brutal and painful! hope you're gettin soon better ;)
When I had mine out, after a few days I was fine, but then randomly a few weeks later some food had slipped down into one of the holes. I woke up that day WITH THE ENTIRE SIDE OF MY FACE SWOLLEN. Crazy stuff. Dentist fixed it up in under a minute though.

Wisdom Teeth surgery is gross, I feel for ya
When I had mine out, after a few days I was fine, but then randomly a few weeks later some food had slipped down into one of the holes. I woke up that day WITH THE ENTIRE SIDE OF MY FACE SWOLLEN. Crazy stuff. Dentist fixed it up in under a minute though.

Wisdom Teeth surgery is gross, I feel for ya

Aye. Squirm'n'spaz-in-yer-seat painful, indeed.
good luck... i dunno your chances of doin your show tomorrow... fan karaoke... fan karaoke....

Will, that's a fuckin' great idea. It could be a sort of "fan" night, or something...a chance to sing all the nevermore songs. Do you have any idea how many people would come to the show? I'd wager even more than normal.
Unfortunately I cannot perform tonight due to the fact that yesterday I had to visit an emergency dentist here in Amsterdam and ended up having two wisdom teeth removed and a root canal on top of that, this came on very suddenly and was absolute sheer agony, I hate cancelling shows and believe me if I could have done the show I would have, sorry the annnouncement is coming so late but I thought I was a tough guy and could do the show even if it caused pain... then realized it just was not possible.... with some rest and some luck I should be alright for the show tomorrow!

Wisdom teeth suck, but shouldn't you have gotten them removed like 25 years ago? WTF

P.S. Don't smoke pot while in Amsterdamn....if you get the munchies you'll bite the shit out of your mouth. At least that's what happened when I had mine removed. ahahah
I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed last Thursday, and my mouth is still fucking swollen. Food gets stuck in the holes everytime I eat... the one hole in the back left is so big that I pick out a couple grains of rice at a time.

It's fucking annoying.
take care dude - all the fuckig best on your crazy tour, even when i like playing around onthe board with you and the band....
are you going to write a tour diary man,...

what do you think of the melvins with jello b on vox, i am listening to this hot shit....remiinds me of being 16yrs old again.

yeah on the hash its fuzz cloud

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :Smokin: :Smokin: :Smokin:
I feel you for WD, I had 4 wisdom teeth taken out at the same time and had to have a 5th surgically removed while I was under.
You guys should fly me out and I'll do the vocals for you that night, then while I'm there, we can harmonize at the next nights show!

Hope you feel better.
i had 6 removed. only 4 were wisdom teeth, i but i have a narrow pallet, so my mouth needed more room, so 2 more were removed
5 wisdom teeth? Now that is a serious dental problem.

One of my dad's friends had 3 sets of teeth. Had to have a whole set of adult teeth removed so that the second set could come in.

What was he a shark boy or something?

See the amazing sharkboy! Watch in horror as he devours the flesh in his 3 rows of razor like teeth!

2 bucks a gander!
Stop eating candy and that kind of sugar shit if u wish to have all you teeth when u reach 30
Get well soon, Warrel, and perhaps y'all can give it another shot before you have to head back! If I'd known where to find you here in Amsterdam I might have looked you up instead - thankfully Steph's warning saved me the two-hour drive to Hel(l)mond...
Ugh, that sounds truly awful. I'm surprised you will even be able to sing tomorrow. I would definitely rather be punched in the nuts by a 200 pound body builder then get a root canal and my wisdom teeth removed at the same time.

Well, hooray for morphine at least...