Helmond show cancellation

Unfortunately I cannot perform tonight due to the fact that yesterday I had to visit an emergency dentist here in Amsterdam and ended up having two wisdom teeth removed and a root canal on top of that, this came on very suddenly and was absolute sheer agony, I hate cancelling shows and believe me if I could have done the show I would have, sorry the annnouncement is coming so late but I thought I was a tough guy and could do the show even if it caused pain... then realized it just was not possible.... with some rest and some luck I should be alright for the show tomorrow!

Yeah, I was one of the people out there tonight... I'm really sorry I couldn't see you all play again. It's been a while.
I hope you'll be ok tomorrow. I'm not coming, but some of my friends are and I would feel sorry for them if they were left to all those other bands ;P
Brutal. I had all four of mine done at the same time. And just had a root canal that ended up having to be a complete extraction. Really sucked.

Anyway, I remember while trying to drink water normally the first day, I gagged and ended up kinda tearing one of my wounds open a little more. So if you're having trouble with drinking water, I suggest getting a sports bottle, looking upward, and basically dripping it down the back of your tongue and swallowing. Doesn't get in the wounds, doesn't allow you to swish it around and fuck up the blood clots and stuff. Also, with eating, if you can't eat anything with any substance (which is likely to be the case), try a fried egg/omelette in tiny pieces. Or something similar. One of the best meals I ever had was the day after I had my wisdom teeth done, my dad made me an omelette. It'd been a good 48 hours since I'd eaten anything (couldn't eat 12 hours prior to IV drip/general anesthetic), so I was dying for some substance. Nothing short of euphoric. But on the flip side of that, my stomach looked smaller!
My two cents.
whenever i had surgery of any sort in my teens, i healed remarkably quick. still do. i was good to go the next day after my wisdom teeth were pulled. hopefully, Warrel can be that lucky too
You'll get better and feel better way faster if you don't take the pain pills. Just take something light like ibuprofen and you'll get better in no time (I was good to go the day after getting 4 removed with just that). And good luck waking up with blood matted into your hair!
Sentient said:
Unfortunately I cannot perform tonight due to the fact that yesterday I had to visit an emergency dentist here in Amsterdam and ended up having two wisdom teeth removed and a root canal on top of that, this came on very suddenly and was absolute sheer agony, I hate cancelling shows and believe me if I could have done the show I would have, sorry the annnouncement is coming so late but I thought I was a tough guy and could do the show even if it caused pain... then realized it just was not possible.... with some rest and some luck I should be alright for the show tomorrow!

I was there in Helmond but I fully understand. I had my wisdom tooth removed two years ago and boy that was not pretty.

I hope you recover fest enough for Elsrock.

And come back as soon as possible!! :)
Hey man, you've been unlucky...

When I took off my wisdom teeth, I had not suffered at all... (one was removed by fingers). Hope you will get well soon.

When would you come to Italy again? I have, uh, missed your last one in Evolution Festival.
En dat Boeruh is een geuzen naam geworden. :)

Eindhovuh duh crimineelstuh! Stedelinguh! :p

By the way, Warrel: should you ever need a stand-in, I discovered this morning in the car that my (almost) 6-year old can sing along to TGE all the way through! :goggly: I think I'd better start my 7-year old on the guitar in the meantime, but I hope Jeff won't start having health issues... :erk:
*joins the club*

my right bottom wisdom tooth is giving me all kinds of grief right now. the pain's so bad i'm starting to get chills! i looked in there with a flashlight and can see where the gum is eroding away, there's a slightly tooth shaped crater now, as it's starting to emerge. i want it out! OUT! all of them!!!...but i don't have dental insurance. none of them are emerged completely so they'd have to do some nice digging :)

Damn, yours are acting more retarded then mine were. They pulled them before they got too annoying.
i had all 4 of mine removed in february. Later when I got home is when the fun began. It was awesome waking up later with blood all over my arm.

Only took pain meds for the first 16 hours. After that, it was John Wayne time.
i didnt take any painmeds at all but after the operation i didnt feel my face for like 4hours...that was strange...

and it became anoying when the blood didnt stop for a whole week...buhh
I feel you for WD, I had 4 wisdom teeth taken out at the same time and had to have a 5th surgically removed while I was under.
:lol: @ 5 wisdom teeth!

Anyway, get well soon, Warrel! I've never had to have my wisdom teeth pulled but I've heard it's complete shyte. Funny thing is, I only have two wisdom teeth. My lower jaw has two, but on my upper jaw they never came. Dentist said he'd never seen anything like it before ^_^
Aside from bleeding profusely, the only thing I felt after getting two pulled was a slight ache.


A shitload of novocaine goes a long way. My dentist is a nice Indian lady who gave me at least four shots. But I've been through a botched tooth-pull before. I'm just glad it wasn't a wisdom tooth(I'm one of those people "blessed" with 3 sets of teeth), because the pissy little bit of novocaine they gave me wore off before the dentist even began. They had to hold me down in the chair.
I got Novocaine and sleep gas. Woke up right as the dentist was pulling the last stitch tight. I couldn't feel a thing, my mouth was completely numb, but it's still unsettling feeling the force from the tugging of strings through the gums.
I hated that feeling, but yes, going under for such stuff is nice so you don't fight back. I wasn't about to have my jaw bent in half for an hour and remain awake.