Help a newbie Guitarist play I Am the Law


New Metal Member
Sep 23, 2002
San Francisco, CA
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I'm just learning how to play guitar and am trying to play "I Am the Law".
My weakness is rhythm which makes playing Anthrax and most thrash tough...

I just have trouble hearing most "gallops" and have trouble getting those parts smooth.

the bigginning riff of I Am the Law goes something like this...

Those 3 G power chords in a row are played faster and some around there are muted for a nice "chug" sound.

Can someone explain how that is exactly played? As in are all three muted? Maybe some of the chords around them are also muted? Strumming pattern?

My ear just sucks for those kinds of things.
:Smokin: OK, I can help ya out. You mute (lay the meaty side of your pick hand pinky against the strings at the bridge as you strum) all of the G5's and you only play the last E5 one time, not 2.

If you're interested, is a killer place for old stuff and has this one for sure. The tunez are pretty accurate and if you're not too sure about the rhythm, if you have an idea of how the song goes in your head, the tab makes more least it does to me. Hope this helps:rock:
I looked at the tab for I Am The Law on the page you suggested.

The opening riff looks a good bit different

Riff 1 (chorus)
* * *

a couple qestions.
I don't hear those two 3s on the 6th string before the muting

I hear the slide....

With the muted chords I can't hear a difference between as you show, a switch to F-sharp power chord in between the two Gs

Did Anthax mostly use two note power chords or the full three note power chords?

and in general but especially on the 3 G power chords are those all downstrokes?

:Smokin: In all honesty, I don't hear the 2 G notes before the slide up either. Try playin it without any mutes at all. You know how it goes in your head, so after you play it w/o the mutes a few times, add them where you hear them. Keep in mind these tabs at the site aren't "exact", just as close as the guy can get but it sounds as good as what I hear on the CD.

So basically, don't play the two G notes before the slide to A5. Definitely play this without the mutes and you'll "hear" the F#5 when you play it. You'll be like "ahhhh! That's it!!!!"

The chords that are muted are the G5 and the F#5. Those are the only ones muted. I don't know why they say to mute the first 2 E notes, but whatever sounds good to YOUR ear.

I've seen 2 and 3 note power chords tabbed on different tunes. I use 3 cuz it's more comfortable and easier for me. I also use my index and pinky instead of index and ring. Hope this helps

One last thing....looking at your 1st post tab and the 2nd post tab, the only real difference is the F#5 chord. Again, only mute the G5, F#5, G5.