help! anyone wanna record a crowd chant part for me?


Jan 11, 2009
Brisbane, Australia
I am currently working on a song that needs a 1 second gang vocal part that will say RISE. Infortunatley I dont have many friends close by otherwise I'd do it myself.

so I was just wondering if anyone has some spare time if they could just quickly mic up a group and yell that word. I can send you a clip of where the chant will go if needed.

Send me a clip and I will try tomorrow if I have time, I can't promise though as your project takes second seat to theirs. It's my brothers band so they may be cool to help out. chant.mp3

thats the section that requires the roared "RISE" if im right it should go at the 30 second mark AFTER I say "it's time to rise" should fit nicely in that little gap.

thanks whether you give it a try or not.

and if anyone else would like too try it's much appreciated
ya can make some screams urself and pitch shift them just a little bit, make some attempts at different distance. But it's just an idea since i've never tried myself

I have it sucks. :D

Anyhow to the OP: Sorry dude I saw this a little late and forgot all about it today :erk:. If your not in a super hurry I will save this to my desktop for remembrance and do it next week when I got more peeps in. :headbang:
I have it sucks. :D

Anyhow to the OP: Sorry dude I saw this a little late and forgot all about it today :erk:. If your not in a super hurry I will save this to my desktop for remembrance and do it next week when I got more peeps in. :headbang:

hey sorry I went on holidays and havent been able to get internet.

I am in no rush it's more of a personal project so take aslong as you want. it is just something i'd like to throw into a song.
