HELP!!! - Cubase doesn't go past 300BPM (Midi related QuestioN)


Orpheus: Melodic Death
Mar 9, 2008
Hey guys! I'm in a bit of a rush and stress point at the moment...

A band whose album I'm about to start mixing has given me midi drums for the parts, awesome no problems!

However.... The songs were tracked at 170BPM for example (Guitars/ Bass etc) but the MIDI drums are Fruity Loops generated at 340bpm because of half time issues blah blah. So now here's my issue... I can't put the click at 340bpm because cubase is limited to 300bpm in that sense... So how the fuck do I get these drums at the right tempo???????

Why the fuck would there be a limitation ?
Anyway can't you use a midi macro to divide everything by 2 a way or another as well ? I know there are a lot of midi actions possible in cubase but haven't used it in years.
Fucked if I know WHY there's a limit.. I mean even if it's not used often, it's nice to have....
Anyways! Found a work around using the Logical Editor. Yes, there are cool macros that let you multiply or divide midi time sigs. Thank god for that!!!!