HELP! engl fireball v1 led on arg??


Aug 28, 2006
Ok so i turned on my Engl and got this weird crackling sound through my speakers i turned the amp off and noticed a smoky smell coming from the back,
i cehck the tubes and they r 100% fine and ive even tried my spare tubes which r brand new and the v1 led is still on, the amp sounds fine? there is no loss in sound, but the led must have came on for a reason and the smoke smell must have came from somewhere so im left totally confused, i sat and played the thing for 30 minutes and it was fine, i have a gig this thursday and need to use this amp

why is led 1 still on and any idea what the f""" the smoke smell was coming from?

i know something cant be right and im totally freeked out about using
my amp live now.
ok i had a look but can only see the underside and it looks fine, there is about a billion screws on this thing in order to see the upper side and i'm not to good with these things and don't want to risk making things worse lol

i had a sniff lol and the stench is definetly coming from the tub side of the board

if it is a resistor, what does this mean exactly? can i still use the head live?
and then take it to get fixed or should i leave it until its sorted?
If the LED continues to light up, even after resetting the amp, that means that there's too much juice going through the tube. Also, the tube's being bypassed... So you should only be running at 30 watts right now.

If changing tubes doesn't lead to the LED going off, than there's probably something wrong with the board (like the aforementioned blown resistor).

Theoretically, you could still gig with that amp... you'd just only have 30 watts available. But if something's wrong with the board, you may not want to test your luck buddy.
hmm, im kinda guessing myself that yeah technically seeing as the engl is shutting down v1 i should be ok running on a lower wattage on v2 alone, if i decide to use this tonight (and i havent many other options)
can someone please tell me if i need set the cab at 8ohms now instead of 16?

noob :cry:
thanks for clearing that up
i emailed engl today they said it should be fine
using the 1 tube but wont sound great,
ive actually found it doesnt sound too different
just a lack of power an volume really nothing major
tone wise.

ill be taking this to a tech no sat cheers for the feedback