Help for our Perpetual Motion friends hit by Katrina...


Feb 11, 2002
Colorado Springs, Colorado
I hope they don't mind me posting this, but I'm going to do it anyway.

As some of you may know, fellow long time Perpetual Motion posters and veterens of Powermad and ProgPowerUSA Todd (ToddS) and Troy Schnell lived in New Orleans. Fortunately they evacuated, but their homes are underwater and they expect a complete loss.

It is looking like they will be able to attend PPUSA, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Anyway, if you feel so inclined, let's take care of these guys like the community I know we are.

One thing they lost is their complete CD collection. So if you have any old CD-R's sitting around that you don't need any more, or duplicate CDs, or whatever, please bring them to PPUSA and give them to Todd or Troy. If there's anything else you want to do to help them out, then I'm sure it would be very much appreciated. Maybe we can get through the whole weekend without letting them buy one beer for themselves, for instance. If you don't know them and still want to give, just ask around as I know they are well known by many.

I was just replacing some cdrs with I know exactly where they will go!!!

There is never too little or ever too much we could give, donate, volunteer..whatever you can do..please do, and then do again.

Hugs to you guys and I hope to be able to buy you a cold one!!