Help! Help! I'm being repressed!

Erik's bass

Subharmonic Member
Life isn't easy sometimes. Yeah yeah, giraffes and other such mammals have to walk within 2 seconds of being born, but how's having no legs, getting shoved in a box, and shipped halfway across the continental US sound like a way to spend your first month of existence? Man, this sucks. I can't wait to get to Sweden, it seems I'll get chucked onto a plane come Monday. I don't know who this idiot caretaker I'm staying with now is, but he keeps walking around screaming "I AM NAD!!! RAAAROAOOORORRR!!!" over and over again. Weirdo.
I think the profile is pretty good too. Erik, if you see me on IRC, drop a message- I gotta talk to you about "matters".
[22:20] <Marksveld> alright fuck this, someone send me good, long, and epic porn RIGHT NOW
[22:21] <Marksveld> if no one sends pr0n in 3 minutes, you will drown in my angst.
[22:21] <Marksveld> DROWN!
don't kill yourself... as You Are The One. Maybe not for me, but you are.

I realise if Jens Ryden or Dominic Monaghan (sp?) propositioned me, I'd have a high chance of going for it. Hmm...