HELP! How do I add a banner?

I'm assuming you mean to add it to your signature, right? Then you have to upload the banner to a site/server (if it isn't already), and link the url into your signature.

Yes , I tried and it didn't work.
I have the URL from another site.
I am sure it is some formatting thing.......

Is there a standard format? (IE - pics need , etc)

Yes , I tried and it didn't work.
I have the URL from another site.
I am sure it is some formatting thing.......

Is there a standard format? (IE - pics need , etc)


Hmmm...well, typical html would be <img src="http://....."> but not sure if that translates to the same for forums with brackets [] instead of <>
Go to the Edit Signature section of the Control Panel.
In the box where you'd enter text, click on the "Insert Image" button in the formatting bar.
When the daughter window comes up, enter the full URL of the image/banner you want to add to your signature.
Click OK
Image should appear in your signature window.
Position it as desired.
Click Save Signature.
Thanks all,
Well, I tried a million different ways, and still no luck.

Here is the URL I have for one of the banners I am trying to attach.
Can anyone see what might be wrong with it?

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="468" height="60" border="0"></a>

try deleting the spaces in the HTML code and adding them back in. Maybe the board software thinks it's supposed to be three lines of text, instead of one line wrapped around.
The first time around, I followed the directions I posted yesterday. But after I posted, left, and returned, the image was not appearing despite being in the signature when I checked the contorl panel.

What I just did is this:
Control Panel
Edit Signature
Upload Signature Picture
Choose option one and paste in this URL:
Click Save Signature
Return to Edit Signature
Scroll down to Your Current Signature Picture
Click the link that says Insert Signature Picture. This will insert the tags [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] into your signature.
Click Save.

The downside of this is you can only place one image with those tags. Anything else, I would assume you'd have to do by other means, which might be better anyway, given that you'd be able to link the images as needed.
Maybe The End Records website doesn't allow outside sites to link to its images. I use the html codes outlined above for my Chuck Norris image, and it works fine, because the image is uploaded to my own webspace.

I'd assume that, if you have the images on your own webspace, you could have as many as you want (within reason) in your sig.
Hey Bob, just to go completely off topic, I keep forgetting to tell you that my 5-year old daughter loves looking at your Quagmire avatar. She's sat next to me while I've been browsing UM and it makes her giggle. Then she asks to see the wiggly man again. :)
