The Anti-Thrash Legions

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
yeah, i'm cool. i start an anti thread in hopes i offend someone yeaaaaaaaah im cooool put a banner in your profile to show that you're the only person who cares about a thread like this
dead6skin6mask6 said:
yeah, i'm cool. i start an anti thread in hopes i offend someone yeaaaaaaaah im cooool put a banner in your profile to show that you're the only person who cares about a thread like this

I agree with Cara, I am offended!! You will die a lonely man and everyone will laugh and spit on your corpse!!

So, how have you been? :wave: :p
No. Thrash never gets old, and If you dont like Thrash, your gay. Melodeath however gets boring after a few months. There are 2 or 3 melodeath(ish) bands worth listening too. Daylight Dies and Dark Tranquility are the only two I can think of off the top of my head.
how about people start bashing other people's fucking tastes in the first place. i get pissed off when people tell me that the shit i listen to is good or not. who gives a fuck if the music is innovative. fuck that. it's music. and you're all being dicks about it. like what you like. and shut the fuck up about it otherwise. i don't talk shit on thrash. i don't talk shit on any other genre of metal. so just listen to what you like and stop wasting your time bashing someone for making music you don't like... because it's not innovative... or it isn't good enough for you. that's why we have different tastes.
have your opinions. not saying you can't fucking have them. just don't talk down on shit i like. ok, you don't like a band i like. doesn't fucking mean they suck, because you're not superior to anyone. so don't give me any shit about it. stop being a dick.