Help Improve My Amateur Mix


New Metal Member
Mar 5, 2013
Hi, I am very new to Music Production...only properly at it for about 4/5 months..

Here's a clip of something I've done recently

I hear so many awesome mixes with alot more "Air" and "Width" to them.. Mine sounds amateur in comparison

Does anyone have any advice on how to improve my mix and any tips on going from amateur production to serious production? (gear,techniques etc.)

Thanks in advance :grin:
Oh, Using poulin lextac and tse x50 amp sims,

DI'd bass and an amp sim channel and overdrive channel

Using mostly waves plugins for compression and eq.. I have the SSL pack mostly for compression and on the drum bus... and the maxxbass on bass and toms and the Q-eqs for eq

Using Izotope Ozone 4 for the mastering..

rms hitting about -5 to -13

SSD for the drum samples, compressed,clipped,some parallel compression etc.

Anything else I should do? or change

I want to improve but I feel like I've hit a brick wall here...

(Also speaking of brick walls... I don't put limiters on any of my channels? should I ? if so then why?)