help katatonia get som airplay

And yes, let us know the result please... I'm a bit anxious about that "vi spelar vad VI vill"... not "NI vill"... so it all may be depends on their own wish, damnit...

sorry to say so, but i have talked a bit to one of the show hosts there, and the correct term should be "vi spelar vad chefen vill , och han spelar vad reklammakarna vill..." whatever sells.

doesn´t hurt trying our best though :)

In english:
"vi seplar vad vi vill" is theire slogan, it means "we play what we want"
in reality it is "we play whatever sells more comersials"
Blakkheim said:
very important is also that you (if you have the moment) do this every day because one time only wont do anything, unfortunately.

thanx n' cheerz!

of course we will do that!

katatonia fans homework:every day before you go to sleep remember to click on that link and insert "Katatonia -my Twin" ha ha I also made a rhyme:)
So.. i got up this morning, got in to my car and flip on bandit 106.3, and guess what i heard?!

Live´s new single.
followed by the programhosts starting to say "this next song is so good, blablabla..." they praised this next song to heaven, and finished of by saying:
"so, here is the new single My Twin from the new katatonia album TGCD"

Katatonia officialy have airtime in swedens second (or perhaps third, not sure..) bigest rockradiostation!!!!!!!
I´ve been listening sometimes to this radio when I do the ironing...but after a while I switched to another radio because I really didn´t like those "rock" songs...but now I´ll be interested to hear if they play My Twin, so I´ll try to listen to it more often...

Anyways great to know that Katatonia have had airtime in a big radio!