Help keep me sane!


Oct 23, 2002
Augusta, GA (Lost in the Twilight Hall)
I know this is way off-topic, but I'm overseas for the first time ever, and away from my girl - for a whole year! So you can imagine that my mind's rather in upheaval right now, so please help me stay sane - entertain me or something! I don't know what I'm hoping to accomplish with this thread; I guess I'm grasping for threads of familiarity or something.

But yeah.... Any sage advice or anything, guys? Personal stories of being away from home in a strange land?
I'm currently away from mine for about 6 months, but we see each other every now and then. The first month will probably be a bear. Once you make some friends and start doing some stuff that's fun it'll be easier to deal with. Just talk to her every day and make sure she is happy!


I see my girl about every three months (though some americans might laugh at the distance^^) and talking to ehr and doing your small or large bit to keep her happy is the way.
Use skype when phonebill tries to eat you.
I know this is way off-topic, but I'm overseas for the first time ever, and away from my girl - for a whole year! So you can imagine that my mind's rather in upheaval right now, so please help me stay sane - entertain me or something! I don't know what I'm hoping to accomplish with this thread; I guess I'm grasping for threads of familiarity or something.

But yeah.... Any sage advice or anything, guys? Personal stories of being away from home in a strange land?

If it's strong enough there's nothing to worry about. My job is 90% world travel. Imagine it's about the same, but I am not concerned because the money I make now will contribute to our future together when we can buy a house.
I'm currently away from mine for about 6 months, but we see each other every now and then. The first month will probably be a bear. Once you make some friends and start doing some stuff that's fun it'll be easier to deal with. Just talk to her every day and make sure she is happy!


i agree, just talk to her everyday and make sure she is happy. make some friends so you can keep some sanity and not stay home and worry all day. i hope everything will work out for you though. good luck!:)
Im also in position to give you some advices. I also been away for a whole year (9 months to be exact) and I left my girl away from me. The first days, or the first weeks are really difficult. Change your mind. Tell yourself that you're living your hardest moments and things will just go better. I have seen her during that time, do it if you can afford it. Dont start to drink man, Im serious

In my personnal experience, my relationship got improved during the year, we didnt break up, keep contact with her every day, twice a day if you can (internet is cool for that). I remember I had some difficulties to speak with her to the telephone in the first days, it's normal because you love her so much. I bought a phone card for long distance (just cheaper). D3v4S7A710N is right about meeting new people, you have to make new friends, they will change your mind.

Finally, I have a lot of friends in the canadian forces. They have to be away for long periods and sometimes more than a single time in a lifetime. They are not stronger inside, they control their pain and their emotions. It depends of your age, if you have kids its may be difficult.

good luck and email me if you need to talk.
One thing I have noticed about all the long distance relationships of my friends etc... They just simply doesn't work
One thing I have noticed about all the long distance relationships of my friends etc... They just simply doesn't work

(jeez. here I go again)

A friend of mine had a distance relationship with a girl he met in the american army (he lived in norway at the time) for 4 years. Saw her every 6 months or so in that time. They are now married with kids. So it can work very well. It's just a matter of good and open got to trust each other. It's not easy, sure...but it all depends on how well you communicate...and how much you mean to each other (that's right, I don't use the word love, cause it's a silly me that is) The younger you are, the harder distance relationships are I guess..but then again, so is living together. It's gonna be a struggle no matter what. That's life...
Thanks to most of you who replied. =P Very good advice, guys. I'm sure it'll be fine... I just have to get used to this god-damned place first. Everything is very sickly yellow, and the buildings look very similar. To quote C3PO, 'What a desolate place this is.'
This is a growing life experience for you. Keep your heart clean and your head clear. You know, man-up! Thanx for all you work and service. You will look back on this someday and smile, knowing the lessons you learned.