Help! Lyrics For STEEL (Mikael's Side Project)

Tony, yes the one with Dan Swano. Eno, it's basically a "get together" of Dan and Mikael and I cannot right now remember whom else. They figured they'd do a funny cd that sounds JUST like any 80s (good) hair bands. This particular song is a "ballad" and one of the COOLEST things I've ever heard! I was friggin' FLOORED by how high Dan can sing and sing that high through the WHOLE SONG no less! A friend of Tony's and mine played it on the "radio" and was daring me to guess who it was. At the end of the song, there are a couple of notes that he SWORE I'd know who it was. I friggin' fell off my chair laughing so hard. I even made him play it TWICE in a row so I could re-listen to it! But I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE this song! I just have to keep reiterating that it is a GLAMMISH-HAIRBAND-BALLAD type thing. I knew Dan could sing that high because we were singing around the hotel at ProgPower 2, but DAMNED!!! I've heard most (if not all?) the other songs as well. :)
i have the vynil, but no lyrics included.
i guess the purpose of STEEL was making fun of the heavy metal boom that was going on these years (1998-1999).
you should request the lyrics directly from Dan Swanö, at his forum.
Haha Squeak I think that was the night that Mosquito played those tunes for us on Seismic...I mean we had a blast! I've never heard so much disco and metal mixed in on one show! I did read on the Opeth site that it is a very rare album so if Kajor can somehow get you a copy of it that would be great...I would love to hear that song again! :)
The third member is Peter from Opeth on Bass. I've got the vinyl too, I ordered it from Near Dark records in Sweden, but I think it's sold out.
And "Say goodbye to Love" isn't on the vinyl, it was only webbed.
Thank you VERY MUCH Unicorn!!! But, who's on drums then? And what is the name of the actual album? Yes it's been sold out for a long time. A friend of mine might give me his. Can you tell me what songs ARE on the vinyl? I'm quite suprised Say Good To Love isn't on there! It is such a cool song. And Unicorn, if that's you in your avatar, you look really, really, really like a person I knew in Germany that lives near my cousin!

Tony, yah, that was one of the songs Mosquito played. And ever since then I've been searching. A VERY nice person in here (whom I won't name so that person won't get in trouble) sent me the mp3 last week and Squeak is a VERY VERY happy camper. I just want the lyrics of it now.
Squeak said:
Tony, yah, that was one of the songs Mosquito played. And ever since then I've been searching. A VERY nice person in here (whom I won't name so that person won't get in trouble) sent me the mp3 last week and Squeak is a VERY VERY happy camper. I just want the lyrics of it now.

Hey how about another nice person send me that mp3 :) I would love to play it on the radio show and Swano and Mikhael are OK with this I am sure of it! ;)

Squeak said:
Thank you VERY MUCH Unicorn!!! But, who's on drums then? And what is the name of the actual album? Yes it's been sold out for a long time. A friend of mine might give me his. Can you tell me what songs ARE on the vinyl? I'm quite suprised Say Good To Love isn't on there! It is such a cool song. And Unicorn, if that's you in your avatar, you look really, really, really like a person I knew in Germany that lives near my cousin!

Hi There,
I think it's Dan on Drums, or it's a drum machine. I'm not sure.
It's not a real album, its a 10" or 7". The songs are called "Heavy Metal Machine" and "Rock Tonite".
Where is your cousin living?