HELP ... Major scales/practicing/imrovisation


Jul 16, 2002
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I dont know if anybody can help me with this, but I just can't use the fuckin major scales!!!! I know them, but I cant come up with imrovised solos! I cant connect them ... I always stay in one scale shape ... its driving me mad! I'm not getting better and its frustrating me.

U know I really could imagine practicing for several hours a day, but I dont know what u could practice for that long!!!

btw: Im still desperately looking for a guitar teacher in Stockholm ....
Well, dude, if it sounds good, keep it. But, remember, solos are crowd pleasers, I know from short experience( I've played live barely 10 times, but I know what solos do, they drive the crowd INSANE WITH ENERGY ).

But, it says, for practice, don't worry, I don't think most guitarists go "Well, for today's session, I'm going to use the C-Minor 9th Arpeggio against the D-Augmented Arpeggio", because guitar playing would lose all fun that way. Let the music flow man. Don't frustrated over something like putting two or more scales together, it's not worth it.
Araight, what you do....

Just say you want to play in the G-major. It's relative minor is the E-minor scale. Yes, that's right... E-MINOR. Pretty easy huh?!

Good luck fella.
here is what I did when I was "connecting the neck". Basically I learned 3 forms of the major scale starting with the pinky, middle finger and index finger on the low E and on the A string (6 total forms). Then what you do is focus on the high E and B string finding overlapping notes between forms. Once you have the two high strings pretty well mastered then move on to the G and D string etc etc. The key is to be able to visualize the notes going up and down the neck as well as across the neck. Get used to the way notes sound in relation to eachother and you'll be soloing with your eyes closed soon enough. The hardest part is memorizing those forms, but if it was easy everyone would be doing it :).