Common MJR Scales

tony bologna

Nov 13, 2002
loserville VA
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I know from the Guitar Chapter common scales he uses for solos and solo progressions (i.e. major, minor, harmonic minor, whole tone, diminished, pentatonic minor, etc.) but does anybody know common scales that he uses to build rhythm guitar parts? I have been messing around in different keys trying to figure out what scale songs like "fallen" and "evolution" are in. I doubt he sticks to one key or scale throughout a song. Can any fellow shred heads help me out on this one...:hypno:

Like with "fallen" the closest I can guess is that it is an Algerian scale in the key of E. It seems close but I don't know..
tony bologna said:
I doubt he sticks to one key or scale throughout a song. Can any fellow shred heads help me out on this one...:hypno:

Like with "fallen" the closest I can guess is that it is an Algerian scale in the key of E. It seems close but I don't know..

You are correct in assuming that they do not stick to one scale throughout. You will probably notice that Michael Romeo and company will often play the same riffs in different keys. A good example is "Of Sins and Shadows" where they play the main riff in different keys (transpose).

As for "Fallen" I believe Romeo plays some chromatic notes to confuse you. Don't quote me on this but I believe that "Fallen" (well, the intro) is in "E Phrygian-Dominant". Phyrgian Dominant is the 5th mode of the Harmonic Minor Scale. Romeo use that scale quite a bit, the intro to "Inferno" for example.
Yeah, Romeo uses phrygian dominant out the ass when in doubt, try that one ;). Also try the double augmented scale (one of my favs). Thats the scale you build those sinister sounding all-minor chord progressions out of like the solo section in Of Sins and Shadows (Cm, Em, G#m, Cm). Its a symmetrical scale thats basically whole half, half, whole half, half, whole half, half, etc.
Now that I think about it, he does use Phrygian Dominant alot. I remember when I first learned the "In the Dragon's Den" solo, that is in Phrygian Dominant. Thanks.. I am going to try out the double augmented scale as well. I think Romeo picks a scale, and tweaks it based on what sounds kick ass... thats where he gets his awesome sound.:Spin: thanx shredders