a bit of theory for u guitar freaks


British Airborne Warrior
Sep 27, 2005
Wigan, UK
Right I am gonna explain through different aspects of music theory from Chromatics, Diatonics, Rythmn Harmony, Harmonies Chord structures, Scale structures, and so on so hopefully this will be help too people

Chord Structures

Your basic chord has 3 notes in its structure this is the

1st(Root note/the name of the chord)

3rd(Depicts whether the chord is major/minor)


These notes are found from the DIATONIC (explain Diatonics later) scales

So say we are in the key of C (no #/b) the diatonic scale will be


so if we took the 1st 3rd 5th notes starting from the C we will have


This gives us a C major chord, then if you started on the D so D was the 1st you would have


This is a D minor chord, so if you went through all the notes like that you will have

C Major
D Minor
E Minor
F Major
G Major
A Minor
B Diminished

Now we see that we have MAJOR and MINOR chords and a DIMINISHED chord this is how theyre made

Say if we are in the Key of C then the family would be from the C major scale. With the key of D it will be the D major scale then all the notes would be different

D Major

D E F# G A B C#

E Major

E F# G# A B C# D#

F Major

F G A Bb C D E

G Major

G A B C D E F#

A Major

A B C# D E F# G#

B Major

B C# D# E F# G# A#

So above you all the keys and how theyre formed


You can practically figure out the major and minor chords needed for that scale. If I havent explained that fully enough please don't hesitate too ask.

Scales and Diatonic Modes

The Pentatonic Scale

Pentatonic is a 5 note scale thats generally the 1st scale you learn. There are 5 different shapes for each of the notes of the scale.
The structure of the Pentatonic Minor is :-

1 m3 4 5 7

Looking at that we see we want the 1st note of the scale the minor 3rd 4th 5th and natural 7th

Now I might of lost you a bit there but remember the C major scale well the Major scale has its natural minor which is the 6th note of the scale


So if you used the A note as the 1st note you would have


This gives you the A Pentatonic Minor. So if you took the 6th note from the other scales shown before and done the same thing you'll have the Pentatonic in different keys

Now earlier I said abot the 5 different shapes of the Pentatonic well think of a circle so meaning

A C D E G A C D E G A C D E G Thats the scale going up in octaves ( I shall explain octaves later on)

So if you start with the :-

A note you'll have position 1

C note = Position 2

D note = Position 3

E note = Position 4

G note = Position 5

If you look through previous lessons I have done you will find these shapes.

Now a cool theing with the Pentatonic is if you add a b5 note you'll then form the Blues scale

Structure is 1 m3 4 b5 5 7

So A Blues scale will be

A C D Eb E G

Then its the same idea as the Pentatonic but this time you have 6 different position shapes too play with.

Now we want too know what chords can we play this scale over well thats simple. We are using here the A Pentatonic Minor which we now know that A is the natural minor of C Major so we can play the chords of C Major. Thats it basic but, A Minor shows up in other scales too, so you can also play with the chords from F and G major and still be in key.

Diatonic Modes

I love Diatonic as theyre the bread and butter of lead playing, and a lot of guitar players are scared of them for no reason, It took me ages too learn that yes ok heres a mode and what now. Well practically whatever you want too do just do it. Say like me you love the Phygian mode yet say your in the key of G which would mean technically the 3rd position would be phrygian. I say bollocks too it there are 4 minor modes in there play the phrygian or parts of it over them 4, same as the Pentatonic, all minor modes skeletons are the pentatonic minor so there use that bugger too. What I am trying too say is even though theoretically your meant too play in key you dont have too. Rule of thumb if it sounds cool then great.
The diatonic modes have been given greek names these are

Ionian The Major scale 1 - 2 - Maj3 - 4 - 5 - #6 - Maj7
Dorian Minor 1 - 2 - min3 - 4 - 5 - #6 - 7
Phrygian Minor 1 - b2 - min3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
Lydian Major 1 - 2 - Maj3 - #4 - 5 - #6 - Maj7
Mixolydian Major 1 - 2 - Maj3 - 4 - 5 - #6 - 7
Aeolian Natural Minor 1 - 2 - min3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
Locrian Diminished 1 - b2 - min3 - 4 - b5 - 6 - 7

I have also done a previous lesson showing the various shapes for the scales and you have the different scales above. Now too work out the relative chords for each mode is again really easy.
Basic form and if mode is in A here are the chords for each mode

A Ionian - Amaj-Bmin-C#min-Dmaj-Emaj-F#min-G#dim

A Dorian - Amin-Bmin-Cmaj-Dmaj-Emin-F#dim-Gmaj

A Phrygian - Amin-Bbmaj-Cmaj-Dmin-Edim-Fmaj-Gmin

A Lydian - Amaj-Bmaj-C#min-D#dim-Emaj-F#min-G#min

A Mixolydian - Amaj-Bmin-C#dim-Dmaj-Emin-F#min-Gmaj

A Aeolian - Amin-Bdim-Cmaj-Dmin-Emin-Fmaj-Gmaj

A Locrian - Adim-Bbmaj-Cmin-Dmin-Ebmaj-Fmaj-Gmin

Modal 4ths

Here is an awesome lesson I learnt of BloodandTears. its where you take the mode with the most sharps and cycle through each time removing a sharp til you have gone throuh all the modes so here we go. Play all the modes in the same key e.g all in A

Lydian - Ionian - Mixolydian - Dorian - Aeolian - Phrygian - Locrian

Circle of 5ths

Now this is exactly as it says on the tin. So from your start note count 5 steps theres your 2nd note count 5 again from there and thats you 3rd note and so on, You can do this in 3rds 4ths or wotever you want. The Beatles used this alot in writing their songs


A - E - B - F# - C#


Majority of Harmonies are either 3rds,5ths or octaves works on a similar idea to the circle of 5ths but you play the notes over eachother


A B A G E - Root

C D C B G - min3rd

E F# E D B - 5th

Well hope this lot is ok for you guys. If theres anything I havent covered please give me a shout and I'll try and help.
This is why I like power cords and movable 7th's. Although I am getting more practice with all the major ann minor scales and cords.

An easy way to learn a bunch of chords at once is.... learn the first position majors then just drop the 3rd now you know 24 cords and if you add the 7th or the 9th then you just went to 36 and 48 cords under your belt

Cord theory is actualy easier then it looks and if you are half way good at math and under stand patterns then you have an advantage to all this.
Music is linear and very mathmatical. ie half step, whole step, 1/4 bend, half bend, full bend, it's all in even predictable increaments. Look at the circle of fifth's as you go around clock wise you add a sharp when you come to the 6 oclock position you start subtracting sharps an adding flats till you max it out with flats and then you're back at midle C.

Now I'm no pro but i'm learning and have help from someone that's been play classic and blue grass guitar for long then i've been alive And he's very versed on theory so when I have a wierd question I can get the answer in a way that I can understand it. Which is actualy the key. Theory just need to be laid out in a way you can understand it. then it's easy as an autoharp