Help Me Disappear...

Apr 7, 2002
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i have a favor to ask of u folks....

is there anyone that could possibly upload this song on a site of theirs, or any site at all...or possibly if u kno a site that has it uploaded already, could u please give me the .wav or .mp3 url of the song!???

thanks in advance if anyone tries...
Deliverance6 said:
You are so cool to never have downloaded anything. Trust me I have bought plenty, enough that Anders was impressed. Wash your mouth and dont be so quick to judge, simp.

You probably came to this forum (80 bucks per year btw) in order to impress Anders by giving your gay advices of where and how one can steal Ander's music, moron? If so then fucking stop telling us of how innocent you are, non-simp.
aight i dont need the song just to avoid from buying the cd...i want the url so i could play it in the background of another website right now...

and i'm sure theres some website where it is uploaded on with permission from the band themselves...

anyway for now i'll settle with Bloodbath - Cry My Name in the background on my site...
ColdDarkNord said:
You probably came to this forum (80 bucks per year btw) in order to impress Anders by giving your gay advices of where and how one can steal Ander's music, moron? If so then fucking stop telling us of how innocent you are, non-simp.

Nord, I really dont care what you think of how I get my music or if I am trying to impress Anders with my "gay advices". By all means I hope people download stuff because if they enjoy it enough they will have to buy it, for nobody likes a shitty burned copy of something they truly enjoy. I talk to Anders on almost a regular basis and talked with him in person a few weeks ago and he did call my collection "mighty". Do you think Anders cares if I first downloaded all of that shit before I spent hundreds of dollars buying it? I dont think so. Your attitude is reminding me of someone who thought they knew everything about everything and thought they had tons of authority on all things Katatonia, he was kicked off the forum, Im sure you remember Varg. I hope that dosnt happen to you since I actually enjoy some of the shit you write on here.

Oh yea, innocent--- You dont know how truly funny that comment is to me. I was a junkie for 8 years Nord. Do you have any idea how much fowl shit I did in those 8 years, you dont have a clue. "stealing" music is the Very least of my crimes.
I think you guys have kind of taken this a little out of context, but I can understand why because the guy who started this thread didn't really make out what he wanted/why he wanted it too clearly. In any case, I think it's pertinent that Anders has explicitly stated that he does not appreciate the discussion of illegal trading/downloading/uploading/whatever of Katatonia or related material on the band's own board. I, for one, think he's's sort of obnoxious to go on the official forum and talk about putting up mp3s for [illegal] download. I don't blame anyone for downloading mp3s, CDs cost a shitload of money, and not everyone has shitloads of money to spend. I've spent hundreds of dollars on Katatonia's CDs alone and I plan on getting all their releases in time, but it's still not exactly cool to go right in front of the band and discuss giving their music away for free, for whatever purpose it may be. Don't get me wrong here, I'm not trying to preach, just trying to put myself in their shoes as people who live off their art. Katatonia is my favorite band of all time, and the least we can do as fans is honor their wishes by using this forum in accordance with their rules.
RuinerXL said:
I think you guys have kind of taken this a little out of context, but I can understand why because the guy who started this thread didn't really make out what he wanted/why he wanted it too clearly. In any case, I think it's pertinent that Anders has explicitly stated that he does not appreciate the discussion of illegal trading/downloading/uploading/whatever of Katatonia or related material on the band's own board. I, for one, think he's's sort of obnoxious to go on the official forum and talk about putting up mp3s for [illegal] download. I don't blame anyone for downloading mp3s, CDs cost a shitload of money, and not everyone has shitloads of money to spend. I've spent hundreds of dollars on Katatonia's CDs alone and I plan on getting all their releases in time, but it's still not exactly cool to go right in front of the band and discuss giving their music away for free, for whatever purpose it may be. Don't get me wrong here, I'm not trying to preach, just trying to put myself in their shoes as people who live off their art. Katatonia is my favorite band of all time, and the least we can do as fans is honor their wishes by using this forum in accordance with their rules.


I dont care about drug addict ppl (if they are not from my circle), I only don't like when someone shows to kids at school where they can buy a heroin. Got my point?
Actually you guys are right about the INFORMING of where to download Katatonia stuff. I was typing before thinking about the wishes of the band, and for that I apologise to you as well as the band. And to you Nord, a personal attack ( being called a fucker) was unexpected and got me fired up for some war. I am not to big of a man to admit when i was wrong and so I have, not for you, but because I try to stay humble. I am not trying to "earn" respect. I do this because it is part of who I want to be, a piece of the whole. I dont hold grudges either so we can continue as if this shit never happened.
Deliverance6 said:
Your attitude is reminding me of someone who thought they knew everything about everything and thought they had tons of authority on all things Katatonia, he was kicked off the forum, Im sure you remember Varg.

I'm pretty disappointed by this to be honest. There was no reason why he should've been banned, even if he acted like he knew everything about anything.

*brain overheats*

God I'm tired. Need. Mindless. Headbanging. Music.
agreed. i think there was overreaction on both parts and it's just a pity some ppl took it too personal and serious. Varg was undeservedly banned.
*living a lawyer part* :rolleyes: