Help me find songs with this vibe


May 16, 2004
Right around the 4:44 mark (esp. 5:05), until the end of the song (it kinda evolves and changes though), this great riff kicks in... I just love it, the emotion it conveys etc. It's badass all around. Really uplifting in a super epic metal way :headbang:. Headbanging worthy But relaxing too. I could keep spouting on in a cheezy fashion about how much I love it but see for yourself.

Anyways just wandering if anyone knows of songs/albums/bands/etc. that convey that particular emotion? Not sure what to call it, but I dig it. It's kinda similar to the vibe that some Primordial songs have, but different.
That's one of my favourite parts too and one of the best Windir songs at all.

Cor Scorpii which you should know as a Windor fan have made a song called Oske & Innsikt. The ending of this song is just as epic and just as awesome.
from that, I'm thinking a Pagan/Celtic Melodic Black Metal feel

Suidakra seems like the obvious recommendation

maybe Thyrfing, too?
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That's one of my favourite parts too and one of the best Windir songs at all.

Cor Scorpii which you should know as a Windor fan have made a song called Oske & Innsikt. The ending of this song is just as epic and just as awesome.
I stumbled across this thread, and figured this would be a good place to spread the news :)

The re-release of Cor Scorpii's debutalbum "Monument" is now finally availiable worldwide through our new label Dark Essence!
Featuring a remastered version of the "Attergangar" demo as bonusmaterial.

Check it out here:

Thomas/Cor Scorpii