Help me finding a song


New Metal Member
Mar 4, 2024
Hello people,

I'm trying to find a song and i can't seem to find/remember it. I hope you cab help me.

Here goes nothing:
- i listened to the song around 2007 - 2010. It could be a little older ofcourse.
- i remembered that the Youtube video had a lyrics video with blue background.
- the band had a strange name.
- it was a screamo/gunting/heavy metal song.
- in the song there were 3 different voices or just different tones: 1 more singing (could be male/female), 1 screaming/singing and 1 heavy grunting.
- it sounded like they were singing against each other. Like 1 person blaming the other, or some kind of betrayel.

The difficult part, parts of the lyrics i remembered (or how i think it was):
- This love is dying, your love is going to change.
- You lost the key
- shotgun
- Amerika (but i'm not sure)

I know it's not much, but i really want to find the song. I'm even willing to pay a little for it of it's the right song!!
I listened to the metalcore and it definitely could be a metalcore genre.
Thanks for the tips!!