unus spiritus est
I think I would agree, but perhaps it needs further clarification.
A library is good.
Collecting is bad.
Buying sprees should be reserved for education (what's this NWOBHM stuff, I must investigate!) and exploration (what are the different varieties of fusion?). People who know what they want and the grounding of that should be moving more slowly to absorb what they expose themselves to.
Now the question of how one's library is stored... the whole digital thing I suppose is just as good a way as any to store it for other people. I hate it. It's another brick in the road to getting rid of anything physical and putting everything in this vacuous pretend-it's-real digital realm. People don't clutter their house with CDs, they have tidy mp3s. Some people aren't buying books anymore, they have palm readers. People don't write letters, they email. Shit, they talk to each other less and less and just type to each other on their phones.
I feel (with absolutely no evidence to back it up... I feel...) that this evaporation of actual-stuff is in turn eroding the quality of the content that's in the stuff. Low attention span, my-life-is-a-hurry-so-I-need-all-this-convenience bullshit inside and out.
This is why I have some interviews on tape that I did in October/November that likely will never get transcribed... they were intended for the web. Fuck the web. My work isn't real unless it's in print. It's why my reviews for the site are veeerryyy few and far between. It's one reason I was trying to get Burns to physically publish Impure Metal and False Metal (and he still should, that lulu.com stuff is really great).
I think I am one annoying event away from disconnecting my computer from the internet. I can go to the library once a week to process orders and shit I need to do. I keep telling myself I should kill my email address and just write real letters to people from now on. Except I can't - my handwriting is complete shit because I started on keyboards full-time at the age of eight.
Am I off on a tangent or is this all relevant?
That's quite a rant, Jim. May I have your permission to use this quote elsewhere?
I think I am one annoying event away from disconnecting my computer from the internet.