The iPod & Alpine in-dash stereo


C-C-Cool Beans!!!
For Christmas my wife got me a Pioneer car stereo, to replace my old Clarion that has seen it's last days. :Smug:

I got her an iPod MP3 player..... and she told me that she was going to get an Alpine car stereo, since it is the only brand (as of now) that you can connect your iPod to via Alpine's iPod conerter ($100.00 extra) and you can control the iPod from the deck of the stereo!!! :eek:

Knowing this, I decided to exchange my Pioneer that the wife bought me for Christmas, and get an Alpine 9825. Not so much for her to use the iPod with, but for when I get one of my own down the road.

I have so many CD's, and I usually cart 20-40 of them around with me in a book. I am a completeist, and MUST have the real thing, the actual CD/album from teh artist, with all the liner notes, artwork, the whole package. I cannot settle for just MP3's. Also, I liek to know that purchasing an album goes to the artist, being that it's what I would wnat as an artis myself.

However... with an iPod, I no longer have to take my CD's with me, and risk them getting stol,en or dammaged, especailly with the ones that are rare/out-of-print that I spent a lot of money on! I can also pile on 500 CD's onto a 20GB version iPod! I will no longer have to take my CD's to work, and will have a large selction of music at my control no matter where I am.

what it boils down to, is that I can now keep my CD's in pristene condition, pretty much mint, and still take my music wherever I go! It's like someone invented a way for you to buy a comic book, and keep it in the plastic protective sleeve, but still read it without ever really touching it..... keeping the value and longevity of it intact. facinating! :hypno:

Me and the wife will be combining CD's collections soon as well, since we won't have to fight over the latest CD's we bought, or no longer buy duplicates becasue we want our own copy to lsiten to whenver we want. So there will be quite a few duplicates we'll be putting up on eBay.

Dustin said:
I am a completeist, and MUST have the real thing, the actual CD/album from teh artist, with all the liner notes, artwork, the whole package. I cannot settle for just MP3's. Also, I liek to know that purchasing an album goes to the artist, being that it's what I would wnat as an artis myself.
Damn straight. (Hell, you've seen my Maiden collection alone!) Although I'm glad to say that, if it comes down to it, I have (sort of) access to professional CD resurfacing gear for minimal cost, which has saved more than one irreplaceable disc!
Ruined Luna said:
Damn straight. (Hell, you've seen my Maiden collection alone!) Although I'm glad to say that, if it comes down to it, I have (sort of) access to professional CD resurfacing gear for minimal cost, which has saved more than one irreplaceable disc!
...hhhmmm... professional resurfacing eh? I may have to aquire your assitance on that in teh near future. :Spin:

Is it just me, or did you quote the only paragraph that had the most typos in the world? :hypno: I've really gotta slow down...
