Help me mix an Album!


Jun 15, 2010
Hey guys, I've got a fun little project for you all!
I'm currently in the MIXING process of a very diverse album, and I would like to honor you all with the opportunity to collaborate get your opinions heard on this album!
The cool part about this album, is due to the diversity, I refuse to have a STATIC sounding record. Most albums I hear these days, have songs that sound completely identical to each other. I want to give these songs some creative room to breathe!
This is where you come in, after I post a song, don't hold back, give me all it is that you would like changed about the song and I will go right ahead and give your idea a shot in the mix. After a few ideas have changed the sound of the mix, I'll post an updated version and we can continue from there.
I will be posting a new song from the album as soon as we call the song we're currently working on finished.
I will give UltimateMetal as a community credit on the release.

There are a total of 8 songs on this record.
We will go in order, first track to last.

Lets start with one right now, shall we?!

This first track is completely untouched when it comes to EQ. There's a bit of compression and delay, but that's about it.

Whatcha thinkin'?
No offense, we all appreciate help when mixing specially when we're starting out, but "honor you with the opportunity of collaborating"? Really? You could simply ask for help as we all do. And it would be much better if you did most of it yourself and then everyone can give suggestions, but without the raw tracks and the session in front, you can't just post something unmixed and say "give suggestions".
No offense, we all appreciate help when mixing specially when we're starting out, but "honor you with the opportunity of collaborating"? Really? You could simply ask for help as we all do. And it would be much better if you did most of it yourself and then everyone can give suggestions, but without the raw tracks and the session in front, you can't just post something unmixed and say "give suggestions".

You're not understanding my purpose.
I am giving you all the opportunity to add creative insight to these mixes.
I feel that if we can all work together on this, (and seriously just one small suggestion helps, you don't have to go out of your way to instruct me on how to do my job) the end result will be astonishing!
So please, my friend, just a few suggestions would do nicely. If you participate, this can be fun and productive for all of us.