Help Me Please!!!


Jun 8, 2012
Hey guys! i have received a lot of help already on this forum and really appreciate it. I have just entered the world of recording and am completely overwhelmed. I have a focus rite pro 14 and an i7 macbook pro. I currently have garage band and just need help using these things together haha. I want to run some amp sims in garage band and put down some bass, guitar, and drums. Can somebody make a brief or long if it is required video so i can see this visually?!
Any help or recommendations would be much appreciated.
Thanks -Ben
Google is your friend. Has to be a tone of videos showing how to set up a basic recording. There are a ton of information on amp-sim on this forum if you just use SEARCH.
Switching to cubase/reaper/protools will help.
Let me get this right... YOU want someone ELSE to make you a video tutorial??? GOD, what is it with this new generation of "I don't know how to use my brain" kids??
Does your mother still wipe your ass and replace your pull-up nappies??
Garage band is what seems to be the problem. I am still messing with it since i do not have a whole lot of experience with it.
Well I was actually planning on getting logic but atm im just messing around and want to get started.
+1 on Reaper. Licenses are comparatively cheap to other programs, and there are tons of really helpful tutorials on youtube and this forum.