Help me spend $2000

Dan R

Apr 13, 2011
Ottawa, Canada
So I've finally got a fairly well treated room to record drums in, and I've managed to save up a few thousand dollars to upgrade my gear. As far as interfaces go, unfortunately I'm still using daisy chained Presonus firestudios/FP10s. They're alright, I've found Slate VCC really helps. I have enough 57s to track snares and toms, with an extra condenser on snare top, but my overheads are still pretty shitty (cheap audio techicas). I use other spot mics (SM7bs and a few random condensers) to automate cymbals in when they're used which helps. I'm thinking of upgrading to neumann km184s for overheads, or getting a few MD421s for toms. I'm leaning towards KM184s, but I'd also be open to new interface suggestions.

Cheers guys! It's almost friday my time!
$2k? Get a Saffire Pro 40, some Oktavas for overheads and you'll still have around $1k to spend...
For overheads, I REALLY like the Beyerdynamic MC930s, even more so than the Neumanns, which are like twice the price (you can buy a new set of MC930s from a dealer for $850, that's the same price as ONE 184).

Other than that, definitely upgrade the interface/pres/converters.
Thanks for the suggestions guys! I'll check out the MC930s for sure, if I could save money on overheads that would be awesome. I'm thinking of waiting a few more months and picking up something I won't have to upgrade for a while, like an Apogee ensemble/UAD Apollo with some other pres.
