Help me tame Low-End on heavy mixes!


Lying & Weak
Feb 21, 2004
Manchester, UK
Hi guys.

Amongst many variances, one major thing that stands out between mine & professional/commercial mixes is the low-end.

I'm very cautious around the low frequencies mainly due to one thing...

My problem comes when I play my mixes through other hi-fi systems such as Home hi-fi's and car stereos. These players often have their EQs set-up in an attempt to really colour the sound, and ultimately please the listeners ear even more!

I notice good commercial mixes ride this 'different' EQ setup amazingly, and in most cases sound even better than listening with a totally flat EQ.
On the other hand, my mixes suffer a horrible death! The kick & guitars (especially) get really boomy and just totally take over :erk:

I've tried endless tricks but to no avail. I simply can't find a good ground between something that doesn't sound weak & lifeless when listening on a 'flat EQ' setup, and something that doesn't get spoiled when listening on other systems.

- Is this a problem you guys find?
- How do you go about finding the 'right' mix that will play well through any setup?
- Are there any specific frequencies that are key to sorting this problem out?

Thanks in advance! I know there is an awesome wealth of knowledge on this board!

James. :) :)
Not great :erk:

Mission 71i's. Definitely not meant for the studio, but I can't afford anything else right now. I'm not aiming for professional quality by any means, so I don’t mind!

I've used them for so long now I reckon I've got to know their characteristics quite well, though. I can usually judge with a fair degree of accuracy how a mix will come across on other speakers!

It's mainly just this low end problem :erk::cry: :mad:
I getcha :)

Ah well! New monitors is not an option im afraid :cry: . Any cost-free solutions fellas?!
I've really gotta make ends meet with what setup I have now!
I've got an O.K set of headphones.. I geuss that helps a bit! But surely there must be things I have to do before anything comes out of my speakers.
Listening through good monitors isn't going to be the 'be all and end all' of making a crap low-end mix sound good! I understand it's a lot easier to achieve a good mix using accurate monitors, but how do I go about getting the nice, tight low end in the first place?!

I'll give the frequency analyzer a shot! Cheers Brett

Genius - I am mastering, but haven't focused my attention to highly on combating the low end there, more on the individual culprits in the main mix (Kick & Guitars). I'll try a few things when mastering.

I've got rid of the real low stuff on the Guitars!

It must be the real low mids that get boomy & urgh. I've tried Andys C4 setting to tighten things up & it works a treat.. But it just kills the life outta my weak ol' Pod tone when I'm listening back flat!