help me treat my low ceiling room

as a basement and not a recording studio.

pretty low ceilings, probably about the best you could do would be line it with 1" oc 703/705.I would recommend 2" but that is pushing it. My ceilings are only about 7 1/2 feet.I put up some 4x8 2" 703 panels (ceiling/walls) and it sounds pretty damn good now.
To reply without a lol smiley, I don't know if there's much room for you ina room with such low ceilings dude. You're fighting a constant up hill battle, I don't really know how you'd go recording a kit in there, you'd have very restricted options for cymbal and overhead mic placement, and massive flutter echo. Adding and treatment to the ceiling would only restrict you more.
What sort of materials is the room made from - wall ceilings and floor?