Help me treat my room!

Question: When making Bass trap panels from 703 or rockwool or whatever, do you need to take any major precautions when working indoors? i intend to build some soon, but the only place i could work would be either in the living room or in this mix/bedroom, both are carpeted. will i end up with dangerous fiber particals infecting my living space?

If you're not going to cut the material, you'll be ok. Just keep it boxed up until you're ready to use it and make sure you wear gloves when handling it. I built the frames for my panels outdoors and covered them in batting and fabric indoors with no issues.

I can't wait until I've got more time/money to build more traps so I can take down all the Auralex crap covering my walls that didn't help at all.
Damn, the more I look at this thread the more I envy you for your room. It may be a small room but it's a dedicated mixing room nonetheless and not everyone has that.

Btw I once read something about small particles in Rockwool that can be a serious health issue. How do you guys go about that?

There have been tests done on factory workers at fibreglass and glasswool plants which never really turned up anything to indicate increases in cancer or respiratory illness.

Just be sensible and wear a mask when cutting the stuff, and cover open fibreglass panels with fabric, don't shake them around too often and you'll be fine :)
Just to keep this tidy, anyone in the UK know where to get Rockwool at a reasonable price and not cost me a fortune to get home?
Sorry to resurrect this thread but I was just curious how everyone's rooms were coming. I found some 2' x 4'x 2" panels on craigslist that I have put up around my room (that I can double as gobos from drums too). I only have 8 so I'm trying to cover my first reflection points and use them for bass traps at the same time.

For bass traps if you only have enough for one would you just put it at the top of the corner near the ceiling? Also how important is it to cover the backwall corners with bass traps. If you had a choice would you rather cover all 4 corners (at the top of the ceiling if that's the best place for them) or cover the front corners from top to bottom. I'm nervous about putting one up above my head so I may just buy more oc703 and I can also make superchunk bass traps as well. thanks guys
THREEAAD NECROMANCYYYY (in crazy gta2 voice)

I've been thinking about this for a while now, and I've decided to make my own traps. Seems simple enough, and I got plenty of builder/carpenter friends to harass for help. So now the only questions left are the type/design, and exactly what material I should be using. All my attempts to translate the suggestions ITT have been somewhat unsuccesful, but I've found this stuff that's pretty cheap and seems like it would work fine:


It says "mineral wool" which after a quick wikipedia is basically either glasswool (fiberglass) or rock wool. It doesn't say which in the product description though.

Another question like I said, is the design of the corner traps. Should they be standing against the corners like this:


Or be completely filling the corners like this:


I'm voting for number one since that would be so much easier to make! :lol: But yeah, I'll obviously go with the better solution. Now, would the same material be suitable for making some 1x1m panels to cover first reflection points, or should I get something else for that?
I used dense semi rigid 2 inch thick insulation, I doubled it up to make it 4inch. The corner ones are 6 foot by 2 foot. I got the material from Ikea for about £50 for a load of it.

I think it's cost me about £140 for enough material to make about 10 bass traps. I've got loads left yet and I think I'll get the other corners filled this weekend :) I just got new Monitors and stands today so things sound totally different, but I did notice a difference in the stereo imaging. It was a bit more evenly balanced in the low end for sure.
THREEAAD NECROMANCYYYY (in crazy gta2 voice)

I've been thinking about this for a while now, and I've decided to make my own traps. Seems simple enough, and I got plenty of builder/carpenter friends to harass for help. So now the only questions left are the type/design, and exactly what material I should be using. All my attempts to translate the suggestions ITT have been somewhat unsuccesful, but I've found this stuff that's pretty cheap and seems like it would work fine:


It says "mineral wool" which after a quick wikipedia is basically either glasswool (fiberglass) or rock wool. It doesn't say which in the product description though.

Another question like I said, is the design of the corner traps. Should they be standing against the corners like this:


Or be completely filling the corners like this:


I'm voting for number one since that would be so much easier to make! :lol: But yeah, I'll obviously go with the better solution. Now, would the same material be suitable for making some 1x1m panels to cover first reflection points, or should I get something else for that?

Bump, cause I'd really like some answers to this! (esp the part about the design of the traps, making them triangular or straight)
You'd want something a bit denser (at least 50 but preferably 75-120 kg/m3 for rockwool)

Completely filling the corner is more effective but the other option is viable as well.