HELP me win a car!!!!!!! PLEASE!!! this takes just a sec

mick thompson

AKA: Ross Canpolat! SM!
Nov 3, 2005
Dublin, Ireland
alrite sneapians

im calling on the largest international internet army im aware of - you guys!

this is an irish competition where i can win 8000 quid to put towards a car which is something im in desperate need of. We've already had to sell off my sisters VW Golf because we needed the money (poor girl) and you know yourself with this recession shit how bad things are especially in ireland.

so this only takes a second and not many people know about the competition so help me out! if everyone pitches in i could end up with a sweet late christmas present!

go to this link :

and scroll down - fill in your name (you dont need your full name) , a valid email and your message of good will to me. after this you will receive an email (maybe in your junk box) click the link to confirm your vote and thats it!

So far the winning guy has 5 votes so with so many of you here i could easily beat him. i already voted once for myself but i only own 1 email account so i cant keep that up - :lol:

do a brother a favour! :worship:
Voted. Hopefully you'll be able to drive here instead of flying over now(you'll need a big ramp to get across the stream inbetween the UK and ireland :lol: ) :p
Voted. Hopefully you'll be able to drive here instead of flying over now(you'll need a big ramp to get across the stream inbetween the UK and ireland :lol: ) :p

Thanks Andy - Will do, the second i win it we'll go burn some rubber through the streets of england whilst going through grammar! thanks dude! :headbang:
Thanks Ganks and thanks Jet Dry!!! every vote counts! i owe you both a beer!

So far im on 17 votes in 1st place! The guy in 2nd place has 5 votes! EPIC WIN! :lol:

it goes until around feb 15th so i wonder if i can keep it sustained
Thanks Ganks and thanks Jet Dry!!! every vote counts! i owe you both a beer!

So far im on 17 votes in 1st place! The guy in 2nd place has 5 votes! EPIC WIN! :lol:

it goes until around feb 15th so i wonder if i can keep it sustained

I have shit tons of email accounts, so if you start to lose your lead, just let me know and i'll jump on it! :p
Voted..meanwhile you receive this price....
Thank you so much Goddam Guitar, Gareth SE, Dylan S, Jevil, Funky Animal & Owen

Its going to be rough trying to do a road trip to visit you all but fuck it! Its all an experience right? :lol:

This is so fucked up - I entered the competition around 8 hours ago and so far im 5 times ahead of the previous person in 1st place!

You are all my gods sneap dudes! :worship: :worship: :worship:


Voted..meanwhile you receive this price....

haha i missed that there for a sec - even if i dont win a car i'd be happy with a cup that has fffffuuuuuuuu written all over it, ill laugh every morning i drink my coffee
Thank you very much Karegioz - Every little helps (as tesco says)

Just one note to some of you, yahoo & hotmail seem to put the confirmation link into "junk" so if your wondering where the link is take a look in your junk box. Thank you very much again all of you! keep the votes coming!

Im up to 30 votes now with the help of you's and a few friends on the net! 6 times ahead of 2nd place! :)
if gumtree ever does an epic contest like this and im low on votes ill know where to go.. haaa