Help me with my American Metal mix!

Sep 19, 2006
I just got finished doing the drums, and I'm unsatisified but it might be because of listening to the track 100000 times. Let me know what you guys think, I've listed what I think is wrong with the track, on the soundclick page.

I've got a home studio and I'm the one playing the drums, trying to move my sound quality to the next level.

I can't figure out how to remove the annoying ring of the snare out of the overheads, does anyone know how to fix this? or will it not be a problem in the mix?

The recording only have guitars and drums. The guitars are rough, I haven't really done much to them, I work one instrument at a time.
thanks a lot

Track 8
if anyone can redirect me to better tom samples/gogs please do so! I'm also unhappy with the toms, theyre sneaps and I dont really like them, for the next recording I do, I'm going to make gog files of my own drums.

any advice is welcome. thanks