help me with nuendo


Nov 8, 2005
im having trouble setting up my audio devices in nuendo. i use my m-audio mobile pre for recording and i use my soundcard for playback, but nuendo wont allow me to to ude both at the same time. if i set it up for the soundcard as the main input, it recognizes the mobile pre, but i can't record anything with it. if i set up the main input as the mobile pre, it only recognizes the mobile pre. it records but i can't get it to recognize or playback with my soundcard. help please.
Stability...your computer won't have to switch back and forth talking to two seperate devices. Makes sense to me...why not just connect your speakers to the M-Audio? Is it really that big of a deal?

I've given up hope on the Audigy for recording but I still need it for games, I'm going to have to get an adapter for the speakers/headphones/whatever because the 2496 (PCI in my case) has only phono jacks... bloody money-sucking pigs and their different cable types...

Silly question - can't you monitor with the Mobile Pre? I could have sworn seeing that it had headphone and speaker outs...
