Nuendo 4 / CUbase 4


May 9, 2006
So, me and the other guy on the studio convinced our boss to switch from Digital Performer to Nuendo but he´s kinda annoyed by Nuendo´s price ($1899). Cubase costs $499 and I´ve told him many times to buy it instead, but he thinks it is ´worse´ than Nuendo. So I ask you what are the main differences that explain the big price difference between the two (besides the fact that Nuendo has 5.1 audio). ?

The main things are video editing and surround mixing. Nuendo does video editing and surround mixing, Cubase does not. Cubase allows you to view video in a project, but you cannot edit it. Other than that, there are a few plug-ins that Nuendo comes big deal though. Cubase 4 is more than capable. If you guys are just recording bands, C4 will be fine.

Basically, tell him that Nuendo is more like a full-blown version of Cubase, but only "full-blown" in regards to the ability to do video as well. Cubase is setup for recording, mixing, mastering and composing music more specifically. To be quite honest, if he thinks Cubase is "worse" than Nuendo, he frankly doesn't know what he is talking about.

Nuendo is designed for Post-production A/V work, whereas Cubase is aimed at conventional studio environments. Most of the tools used in post editing would be total overkill for an average studio. But they use the exact same audio engine under the hood. In fact many of the features in Nuendo are stress-tested in Cubase first.
To be quite honest, if he thinks Cubase is "worse" than Nuendo, he frankly doesn't know what he is talking about.


Exactly :lol: The guy who worked before me tol him a lot of bullshit, and he´s still following some of his advices. Thing like having a pair of Km184 and still buying C1000s or insisting in using a pirated version of Digital Performer. Things will change, tho ´:)
There are (or at least were) a few music-related features that Cubase has that Nuendo doesn't. Steinberg sell a music production addon for Nuendo that adds them, but that adds even more to the Nuendo price tag.
:Puke: BlowTools


Cubase's resource efficiency over all other hosts on the market FTW.

I had nuendo for many years and never touched the post features once...

the reason I inititally bought nuendo was because version 1 completey shit all over cubase vst at the cubase sx/4 etc basically stole everything cool for audio from nuendo so I would seen no reason to buy nuendo outside of post....

once I started playing with reaper my jaw dropped and I sold nuendo..
Cubase uses the Nuendo audio engine these days, rendering Nuendo pointless unless you're doing serious video work. Mind you, the Cubase/Nuendo audio engine is incredible - I know some pro engineers who are total Pro Tools HD geeks who prefer to do mixes in Nuendo because the summing is the best out there.

As a fairly new Cubase user myself, I have to say that my mixes have improved dramatically just from switching platforms. Consider getting Cubase Studio 4 if you can't afford the full Cubase - it's got 95% of the features, just not as many included plugins.
Don't get me wrong because I love cubase and feel right at home with it, then lets say logic or reaper. Don't know why, but the workflow just seems weird to me, and I'm not saying these DAWs are bad because we all know they aren't.

But don't you guys think that cubase should seriously upgrade their plugins and VSTis? Even now with the C4... what a fuck is that shit? same old boring plugins but with different GUI? come on...

Steinberg should look at what Sonar is doing, that DAW is packed with everything.

And when is cubase gonna have a REAL SIMPLE tool to align multitrack audio? Sonar has it... It's simple, and works in multitrack.

I'm I the only one that thinks this way?
Kazrog, you just switched to Cubase cause you heard the BOOOOM you could finally get with it (on that Warrior CD) :lol:

I have been a lifetime Cubase user, so I really can't compare it to anything else, but plugin wise I don't care what they include, cause I use third party plugins 95% of the time anyway.
The build in eq in Cubase is better than the old one till SX3, but sometimes I really wish that you could define one of your third party eq's as the basic one that shows up when you make a new track.
Well, my boss got the educational discount and got Nuendo for $899 (could get C4 for $299, tho). He decided to buy it because we may do some dvd editing for some artists and he thought it was really needed. Well, its his money...

At least we´re not have to use Digital Performer. That thing has the most unlogical workflow ever.