Help me with RoomEQ Wizard


Feb 6, 2004
Northern VA
I do not understand this program. I am reading the help file word for word, over and over, and I cannot get past the calibration. I've attempted using this program on and off for a few years, and I've literally never figured it out. It's absolutely ridiculous.

I figured once I got a reference measurement mic, everything would suddenly fall into place and work. I was wrong. I just got an omni measurement mic, and I can use an SPL meter on my iPhone (not ideal, but it will do something), so I have the equipment I need, but nothing has changed.

I'm on the step of trying to calibrate the audio interface to see it's Line Input frequency response. It says to plug the Line Output of the interface into the Line Input. I tried Line Output 1 (usually going to my left monitor) into Line Input 1, and Input Channel selected as Left in Room EQ. It doesn't see any input. And I just tried Line Output 3 into Line Input 2. Here's a screenshot. Interface = Focusrite Liquid Saffire 56. Mix Control clearly indicates signal is going out and back into the interface, yet RoomEQ doesn't notice a thin except that it's sending signal out


Wtf am I doing incorrectly?
these three vids helped me a lot:


be shure that you activate your your saffire in the "output device and output" and "input device and input"... ;)

i can post some screenshots in the next few days if you want, it may help..

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Thanks man. I did indeed try using Saffire instead of "default device," but it made no difference. Can't get past 0:40 in video 1 :lol:
the calibration of your soundcard is not that important.
i did that with my saffire 56 but it took me a long time too ;-)

i think the differences in conversion and pres is soo subtle compared to what the programm will tell you about yoru room :)
i wouldnt worry so much and start measuring right away.
Good point. I considered that as well, but then just focused on doing it step by step, and got really frustrated haha

I'm curious how you got it to work with the LS56