Help me with this shitfuck


† Followed the Reaper †
Mar 23, 2005
Just got Warcraft 3, from an internet auction, original product yeah but it's fucking with me. I don't know jack 5 about computer games and I ran into this trouble after installing it and trying to play:

Please verify that your Warcraft III disc is in your CD-ROM drive, then click on 'Retry'

Motherfucker won't believe I have the disc inside the computer, and every time I try to get it rolling it says congratulations you have a Troyan.

Someone anyone :rolleyes:
Aha, I see. I need a "crack" which enables my computer to run the game without the CD inside.. searching for one, but I suck at this kind of stuff. I guess it managed to install itself, but the little scratch is preventing me playing it?
No, the cd-key you've got is invalid.

Plain and simple, your copy is about as original as a 30-dollar note featuring the face of winston churchill.
No, the cd-key you've got is invalid.

Plain and simple, your copy is about as original as a 30-dollar note featuring the face of winston churchill.

This game looks 100% bought from shop. And it was sold by some woman. I'm gonna threaten her to return my 7€ if her account credibility is dear to her. :p
You probably have just the expansion pack. Do you have the original Warcraft? You will need the the orignal warcraft and the preceding expansion packs to play what you have. Do you have Wrath of the Lich King?

Edit- Maybe I don't know. You said WoW III, so maybe expansion sets have nothing to do with it. It don't play any computer games btw, but I ran into a similar problem when installing it for my little brother.
No no, not that new crap where you play in a 3D world as a single unit, I mean the original Warcraft where you control the entire thing and make strategies and stuff. I think the title is Reign of Chaos. I saw the trailer when I was 14 and I thought shit wow a 3D game. And only now years later I'm getting to play it, shit ^^ or trying anyway. I'm very much a fan of console games, you just plug the game in that that's it. I hate computers and they hate me.
Too damn complicated for me. Whoever designed all this bullshit should get back to basics. Bring back Amiga, 8-bit Nintendo, Jaguar...
Ok, here it is in a nutshell. I get my hands on a Warcraft game. I install it and press Play. Something's apparently wrong. The fucking machine claims the CD is not inside. This is where a normal person can't go any further. Then it emerges I'm reguired to have a No-CD crack to trick the computer to believe the CD is inside the system, like it is. I do more research and learn I need programmes called Utorrent and Daemon-tools in order to obtain the No-CD crack. So I google for those programmes to download them - the other goes well, while the other fails due to some strange reason. This is where I give up.

Yeah, it's not rocket science, but for fucks sake if I need to be a nerd to understand this then I'll just rather drop it and get someone else to do it for me.
Dude, I'll try and be as clear as possible:

The CD you bought contains a piece of software. It's just data, and as such, anyone would be able to copy the game and spread it around, at will. To prevent that, developers made it that to run the game, you need a cd-key that's "unique" for every cd that comes out of the press. If you input an incorrect cd-key during installation, you "might" be able to complete the installation, but when it's run, it won't acknowledge the cd in the drive. To stay ahead of the game, people who *love* sharing computer software develop programs that modify the installed game into "thinking" that the CD is inside the drive, thereby making anyone able to run illegal copies. That's about it in a nutshell. Terms within quotation marks are intentionally vague to keep it simple.
Dude, I'll try and be as clear as possible:

The CD you bought contains a piece of software. It's just data, and as such, anyone would be able to copy the game and spread it around, at will. To prevent that, developers made it that to run the game, you need a cd-key that's "unique" for every cd that comes out of the press. If you input an incorrect cd-key during installation, you "might" be able to complete the installation, but when it's run, it won't acknowledge the cd in the drive. To stay ahead of the game, people who *love* sharing computer software develop programs that modify the installed game into "thinking" that the CD is inside the drive, thereby making anyone able to run illegal copies. That's about it in a nutshell. Terms within quotation marks are intentionally vague to keep it simple.

Wall of text, being sent to the person with the intelligence of a wall of bricks.
Something is going to break, and I'm pretty sure its going to be your patience when hes too thick to figure this puzzle out. :p