John Haddad (Shiva Industries)

Dump Truck Repairs
Nov 17, 2005
Corona, CA
I have a mix of 15 song going out today but I normally mix down on a console then take that stereo file and master it seperately later. But this album was being mixed in the box and I was curious if I still make a mix then re-bring it back in to a new page as a stereo file to master it??? I've just been putting the mastering plugins on my stereo output of the same page im mixing on, Can that be done or........... Whats the deal? I thanks you guys in advance for any info or opinions on this matter.....
"re-bring it back in to a new page" ?? What do you mean new page?!

If I understand you correctly, you have all busses summed to a master bus where you have your mastering plugins. You are asking if you were to export/bounce the mix as a stereo .WAV file, then open that .WAV file back up and master it that way?

Your wording is hard to understand, but if I read you correctly the answer would be yes. The end result is the same...