mastering questions! help!


New Metal Member
Jan 28, 2008
howdy, i have recently gotten into mixing and mastering, and it seems like whenever i try to master in pro tools the volume is not nearly loud enough when i burn it to a c-d, also i would love to find a good mastering program outside of protools, that maybe will offer more options to apply to the mix so if anyone has any suggestions that would be much appreciated, i've been looking at har-bal and bias peak, which is better?
neither :goggly: I'd look at Steinberg Wavelab, Adobe Audition, or Sony Soundforge. I've used all 3 for mastering tasks and I personally like Audition the best, but those are definitely the top 3 in my book.
I use waveburner, that came with Logic... it's great it allows sessionwide plugins with no number limit, as well as track based plugin insertion. And of course it finally allows professional layout for tracks, including crossfades and messing with the spaces between tracks and such... it's quite cool
i forgot to mention that i have a mac so wavelab will not work for me cause it appears to be only for windows, any possibilities as to why the sound of my mixes are super quiet in pro tools? thanks guys!
howdy, i have recently gotten into mixing and mastering,
why? both are demanding disciplines to master.. anyone can learn software.. but learning to actually mix takes years... and mastering is a whole other ball of wax.... it's not a realistic approach to try to learn both simultaneously.

and it seems like whenever i try to master in pro tools the volume is not nearly loud enough when i burn it to a c-d, also i would love to find a good mastering program outside of protools, that maybe will offer more options to apply to the mix so if anyone has any suggestions that would be much appreciated, i've been looking at har-bal and bias peak, which is better?
... you really need to do some more serious homework. i'm selling off my copy of Bob Katz renowned book "Mastering Audio" if you are interested. it is one of the most respected publications on the subject that's available today.... picking a particular software package or the other will not help you nearly as much as study before hand.

i'll happily sell you my copy of that book, but my real advice is to choose one.. mixing or mastering... and focus on just it for the nesxt few years.

Edit:... i just noticed you're calling yourself emeryrecordingstudios... and you're just learning? nothing against you in particular but this is one of my pet peeves.... medical students don't advertise medical practices, apprentice mechanics don't advertise garages, etc etc... it really leads to an atmosphere of confusion in the already clusterfucked audio profession.
Wavelab is PC only guys... but you can run it on your mac just fine if you have an Intel mac and run Boot Camp to boot up in Windows... you'll have to have appropriate Windows installers though, it does not come pre-loaded on the new macs.
well mr. james murphy, I thank you for taking the time to respond to this, and I apologize that my name seems to irritate you, but I am an aspiring engineer and hope to become rather successful one day, and I had the means to open a studio, so I did. If it makes it easier on you, I am apprenticing under a rather accomplished recording engineer as well as working with several other successful musicians in the area, and we are using my studio. Further, it is not uncommon for someone who is not necessarily the most skilled in his field to own a business. I have yet to see Lorn Michaels of Saturday Night Live do stand up comedy, and I doubt the Owner of guitar center can play like Yngwie Malmsteen. I mean I am not questioning your intelligence so this is nothing against you in particular, but that seems like a pretty stupid thing to say, don't you agree?

Why not? Its what I work best with and it gets the job done just as well as anything else.

Back on subject, YES any book from Bob Katz will help your mixing/mastering abilities, no question. Read any book on mixing/mastering you can find. Theres a lot of good stuff out there
well mr. james murphy, I thank you for taking the time to respond to this, and I apologize that my name seems to irritate you, but I am an aspiring engineer and hope to become rather successful one day, and I had the means to open a studio, so I did. If it makes it easier on you, I am apprenticing under a rather accomplished recording engineer as well as working with several other successful musicians in the area, and we are using my studio. Further, it is not uncommon for someone who is not necessarily the most skilled in his field to own a business. I have yet to see Lorn Michaels of Saturday Night Live do stand up comedy, and I doubt the Owner of guitar center can play like Yngwie Malmsteen. I mean I am not questioning your intelligence so this is nothing against you in particular, but that seems like a pretty stupid thing to say, don't you agree?
i was with you up until you said it was a stupid thing to say... i don't think it is at all... but yeah, my point was geared towards owner/operators, which is far more common than owner/apprentices... don't you agree?

other than that, good on ya.