Help needed with Japanese writing!


Rotten undead buccaneer
Hey guys, are any of you any good at writing in japanese? Because I seriously need someone to write "Wax on - Wax off" in japanese for me... And not only in the japanese language, but with japanese letters too. Oh, and if you can write "Mad Hippo" as well, that would be killer!

Please help out, I am really desperate here!
ok, "Wax on - Wax off" in Japanese..

just the sound;
in the movie Karate Kid;
ワック スかける、ワックスとる

"Mad Hippo" in Japanese

there are some words for MAD in Japanese,
気違い   (similar to insane)
狂った   (...rabid)
狂気の   (...frantic)
怒れる   (...furious)

カバ (katakana)
河馬 (kanji)

so combine them, like

:D hope these answers can satisfy you Nefelim!  :wave:
BTW these people here who tried to help him/her out are so nice and good to see it :rock:
No no, it is just going to be written next to a picture of a hippo with weird eyes :)

But I couldn't see the text you wrote, it just looked like a lot of squares on my screen, so I installed japanese text support, and it seems to work a little better. I took a screenshot of how it looks on my computer now, can you tell me if the "wax on - wax off" is right?


You see the squares in "mad" and "hippo", that's how it all looked on my screen... maybe I need some other text support on my computer as well, but I don't know what :erk:
Anyway, thank you so very much for being kind enough to help me with this! It is really cool of you! :rock:
And here's the result of the Mad (insane) hippo:


This is only a prototype, but it is one in a line of t-shirts that I'm designing. Me and some friends are hopefully starting a webshop with clothes and rare albums in the near future, and since import is expensive we decided to design our own clothes... maybe it's a crazy idea, but hey, it's fun :P