Help Needed


Dec 29, 2002
There is this forum that I have been on almost a year now, which is going down because some 56-year old Nam-veteran is tearing the board about with his senseless propaganda.. So, I ask you dear people to help a fellow Symphony X-fan out in a time of need :)

I have met the greatest people ever there and would hate to see it go down in flames.

So, if you want, take a look at these two threads:


Note: It's a very teen-populated forum.. Very poppish, but please don't let that keep you from making this guy STFU.. His username is "Thanatos".

Please kind people

(and please.. PLEASE.. help.. Don't make things worse than they already are..)
Snowmaker said:
Why can't the board moderator ban him or something?

"Freedom Of Speech" is something she ranks very high, so she won't ban anyone. I am a moderator of two sub-forums there myself, and it doesn't seem like she wants to ban anyone..

my username there is "o_fan", by the way.
The Yngster said:
Ummm, what are we supposed to do?

Well, the ultimate thing would be to make him leave the place for good. Harder said than done, but right now we aren't enough people there against him... We have tried, tried and tried.. But nothing really seems to happen. And of course, he only comes around when there is something more or less against America he doesn't like.

I know this must sound stupid as hell, but he is messing shit up.. Seems like hell on eartht here right now with all the flaming.
Damn, what kind of moderator is she? I know there's freedom of speech and all, but your rights start where mine end. You can't let a troll like that bring down a whole forum just because there's freedom of speech, that's just stupid.
Yeah I agree that it is weak to bring that here. I would suggest not cross posting things like that because I have seen board leak overs before and it's not pretty.

Also freedom of speach is a right and while you may not agree with him or anyones opinions that differ from yours,all you can do is counter point,not try to rally others into ganging up on someone to make you feel better about it.

Ultimate_Symphony said:
oh btw i'll take a look at the thread a little later, but only a moderator can straighten things up.

Thanks.. Well, agree.. The board isn't at it's best condition, one of the reasons is this guy.. It used to be a happy little community, but now.. Like someone said.. Way too many know-it-all-flamers.

But anyway..
I shouldn't have brought it here.. Sorry. My sincere apologies.