help new guitar body spray idea thingy

mick thompson

AKA: Ross Canpolat! SM!
Nov 3, 2005
Dublin, Ireland
ok so i picked up another guitar body recently and im just trying to have a think on what i'll do with it.

some of you may think...ok ross thats completely retarded but you never know! it might look cool!

i was thinking of getting tin foil (aluminum foil) and covering the guitar body in it slightly creasing it here and there to create some texture to the reflection of the guitar and then layering over some gloss ( perhaps 4 mill think or so) over the tin foil and sanding it very lightly to create a type of dulled out mirror effect.

the only thing im thinking is am i going to start picking up fucking radio stations with my new foiled guitar? is it going to act like a type of retarded satellite disk or aerial or something? last thing i want when playing a gig is for my guitar to pick up the local dance station while im trying to play metal on stage!

any suggestions before i get started?

slating me is welcome...
What kind of foil will you use?
Im just thinking that tin foil is very brittle, and the creases will probably crumble if you put your arm on them. ;X

Other wise, its a pretty cool idea, ive seen a few similar stuff, like this one:
In order for this to work right your are going to need A TON of clear coats, and even then I don't know how foil would react to a nitro clear coat... If I were you, I would take a small block of wood and attempt this procedure on it first...
i was just planning to use regular kitchen foil, the shit my ma uses for cooking and it wouldn't crumble because it will be glossed over.

thanks for the tip wolfeman, im going to try it on a block. the main thing im worried about is if it starts picking up the wrong fucking frequencies and putting it through my amp.