Help please... how do you guys do it?


New Metal Member
Jan 6, 2006
I'm kind of emberrassed to even post this, cause all of you guys get such incredibly crushing tones :worship: :oops:

Please take a listen to this and try to steer me in the right direction -

updated with bass -

I did that with my 6505+ crunch channel (it sounded much more open than the lead) preamp out into boogex using Poida's High presence v30 impulses.

Keep in mind there's no bass, just 4 tracks of guitar.
it sounds fine tone-wise. Personal taste would lead me to adding a TS of some sort and getting a bit more saturation as it sounds almost clean at time. The concern would be to get a tighter more saturated sound and eq up the highs to make the sound a bit brighter and in your face.

you are going to notice though because you are using the preamp out into your computer that your not going to get the power amp saturation which changes the character by adding more distortion stage cascading. Even though the impulses emulate a power section, they can't emulate power amp saturation like turning the post gain to 4 (for example) Adding some sort of emulator for a power section before going into your cabs is a great way of getting more beef and crunch into your tone.

Be sure to high pass at at least 12k (i roll down all the way @ 8k and eq up the 3-7k area with a parametric) if you really crank a power amp section though becuase it can get fuzzy sounding.
Thanks for the replies guys!

I think you're right about the TS, it certainly would've given me a tighter chug,...oh well **wishes he had a redeye and some di tracks**

Anyone selling a Redeye ?? :)