How's This Mix Sound? Suggestions Please!


Dec 18, 2007
Chicago, IL
Hello all I posted this song in the early stages now it has been mixed and has all the vocals and solos added! Tell me what you think if you need info on the recording it is as follows:

DAW: REAPER with Focusrite Saffire Pro 26/io
Guitars: 6505+/w impulses ESP JH-600 Jeff Hanneman Model old style with EMG's
BASS: Peavey of some sort DI
VOX: Audix i5 and don't know why

Please help me out on any suggestions I don't know if that kick is suited for this song? Vox need something can anyone help me there!
Otherwise enjoy it's Sick/Tired Full Mix also posted on

Thanks for all the support and help from all of you these forums rock!:headbang:
Not close to my taste but nice mix you have there. You can hear every single detail.
Pretty damn good mix dude. The only thing that stands out for me is that I can really hear the room the vox were recorded in. Makes them sound pretty small. Maybe adding a little verb will cover that up?
The drums sound like an AD preset I heard around here a while back.
The tone of that kick drum bugs the hell out of me and it sounds the same as the AD preset I use that got posted here.
Replace that kick and the mix would be perfect IMO.
Really like the sound of the i5 on vocals, niice.
I think you should work a bit more on the drums, it sounds like the egg preset wich fits in that mix - not really in this mix, I think you should go for something looser and heavier.
Must say that the vocals sound very similar to Ashes of Your Enemy (in a good way, that is) :)
TheXRatedDodo and Sickan yes the preset was derived from the egg preset with some modifications! I did post the preset awhile back on this forum when I posted the rhythm section up! I will try the reverb on the vox! Yeah as i said earlier I'm going to work on that kick drum and drums in general to see what i can conjure up! Is there a program that takes midi event notes and can trigger a .wav sample from them! Eternally Gutted the drums are AD with a modified egg preset i believe or maybe the fuge one I don't rember but there is a little post work done also with a TLS Saturaded driver to give warmth and a little comp from the BLOCKFISH plugin set!

Thanks for the help guys and glad you like it!
Alright guys I tried a couple of things Unavailable i tried your advice a little bit does it sound any better! The kick I tamed it down a bit with a noise gate and a limiter/comp! Does the kick sound any better? I can't find a good sample to use for the life of me and believe me I have plenty, maybe i need to spend some bucks on some SLATE!

It's labeled as Sick/Tired tamed kick