Help! PodFarm 2.5 major bug!


Jun 23, 2009
Hey guise

I´m having a bit of a what-the-fuck moment here... I updated PodFarm to 2.5 and suddenly everything is fucked up...

Try this:
Select the 1993 Solo 100 Head (Soldano Sim)

Is it totally clean no matter how you mess with the drive knob or how many stomp box distortions you put in front of it? For me it is!

Now select any other amp... Are the guitar cab simulations working? In my case they aren´t! The bass cabs work fine...

Something is seriously fucked here. It´s happening when I use the stand-alone version, but also in Cubase and in Pro Tools!
I am so pissed off right now

Sorry dude, just have to try and downgrade or wait for L6 to come out with a patch to fix it. :(